2016 Vol. 100 No. 7

28 Hoosier Banker July 2016 the Midwest Agricultural Banking School, of the School for Deposit Counselors, of the National School of Real Estate Finance and of the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Colorado. Donna Shaw, loan counselor, MutualBank, Muncie, has completed 20 years of service with the bank. Heather Wages, document control administrative assistant, First Bank Richmond, NA, has completed 20 years of service with the bank. t George W. Ferriell, president and chief executive officer of Bath State Bank, has completed 30 years of service. He also is president of Bath State Bancorp and serves as a director of the bank and holding company. Ferriell joined Bath State Bank as operations officer and has served as executive vice president, security officer, compliance officer, personnel officer, head of the lending division and cashier. Previously he was employed with Household Finance Corp. and with First National Bank of Richmond. He is a member of the board of directors of the Indiana Bankers Association, serves on the board of directors and executive committee of Junior Achievement of Eastern Indiana and is active with the Franklin County Community Foundation. Ferriell is a graduate of Hanover College, of John L. Burk, vice president of collections at Riddell National Bank, Brazil, has celebrated 50 years of service with the bank. He joined Riddell National Bank in 1966 as a teller at the main branch and in 1980 helped start the collection department. Prior to joining the bank, Burk served for two years at Terre Haute First National Bank. He is a member of the Indiana Bankers Association Forty Year Club. annivErsary MilEsTonEs A salute to bankers with 20+ years of service a fast way to connect with them. • Increase return on investment. Social networks can help to dramatically reduce sourcing costs and increase ROI. Posting and sharing job openings through Facebook or LinkedIn is more likely to deliver results than a single description on a job board, so the potential value far exceeds the cost. • Be the employer of choice. Establishing an online presence sends out a positive message to potential candidates that you are connected and understand how to communicate with them. Being the employer of choice means candidates want to work for you, and they will spread that message across social networks, magnifying your brand and your message. Before diving into the social networking pool, though, first take a step back to think about objectives. The Human Capital Institute recommends starting the process with a simple, seven-step review: 1. What are your overall corporate goals? 2. What does your workforce plan look like in relation to those corporate goals? 3. Where do talent gaps exist, based on the workforce plan? 4. What kind of technology is attractive to the types of candidates needed? 5. What level of resource commitment are you willing to make? 6. How will you keep content fresh? 7. When do you start? The answers to these questions form the basis of your social recruiting plan, indicating what sites and tools to use, how much time to spend on social networks, and how to keep content up-to-date. Continued from page 26. John Burk, Riddell National Bank, Brazil, is shown with 50th anniversary decorations. He completed 50 years of service with the bank on May 16. At the same time, it is important to review your brand image. Search the internet for your company name or current job openings to discover who is promoting jobs at your company, and what is being said about your brand. Determining who your advocates and detractors are can help to control how candidates perceive your organization. Continue to monitor throughout the process of building your social recruiting program and after it is in effect. You can be certain that candidates will evaluate your company brand before applying to or accepting a job, much in the same way they evaluate consumer brands when shopping. They will be researching you as much as you will be researching them, so be sure to make your social media presence a valuable tool for engaging talent. t