2016 Vol. 100 No. 7

5 Hoosier Banker July 2016 FEATURE CEO Ponderings S. Joe DeHaven, Chief Executive Officer, Indiana Bankers Association The latest instalment of the Indiana Bankers Association instructional video series, “Website Overview,” gives a bird’s-eye view in how to maximize use of the IBA website. This custom-created video is available online at indianabankers.org/iba-website-how-instructions. The video also can be accessed by clicking on the red YouTube arrow in this issue of Hoosier Banker Digital at indianabankers.org. For questions or more information about IBA instructional videos, please contact Tracy Kubly, 317-387-9380, email: tkubly@indianabankers.org. t Video Bonus:Website Overview Four years ago, during our last leap year, I wrote in this column about being thankful for being provided an extra day, because so much occurs during leap year. Both the Republican and Democratic national conventions, plus the Summer Olympics, take place each leap year. Admittedly I am a political junkie and have always been a sports fan, so this is nirvana for me. The first event will be the Republican National Convention, to take place July 18-21 in Cleveland. There is speculation that protesters may create civil unrest not seen since the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. Few actually expected that Donald Trump would be the Republican Party candidate for president of the United States, and many in the GOP establishment are not happy about Mr. Trump’s candidacy. But the people have spoken, as structured in the Constitution, and we’ll see what happens at the convention. Next is the Democratic National Convention, scheduled for July 25-28 in Philadelphia. Fittingly, Philadelphia is where our current government was founded with the Constitutional Convention in 1787, resulting in the negotiation and drafting of our Constitution. History will be made once again, as Hillary Clinton becomes the first female major party candidate in the United States to run for the office of the president. Many questions remain as to what the Democratic platform will look like, since the unexpected support for Bernie Sanders has changed the messaging expected to come from Democrats. I saved the best for last: The XXXI Olympiad will be held in Rio de Janiero, Aug. 5-21. However even this event is not without its controversy. As of this writing, Russia has been banned from participation for being caught in the doping of athletes. Some have questioned whether Brazil will be fully prepared by August to host this monumental event. And many athletes have opted not to participate at all, due to fear of the Zika virus. During the scheduled time of the Olympics, the virus is expected to be circulating in Brazil. For bankers, the Republican and Democratic national conventions are very important. The respective platforms and resultant proposed legislation could have a longlasting impact on how business is done. This industry suffers from a regulatory overload that none of us could have imagined just 10 years ago. Bankers will likely vote in support of the party that commits the most to regulatory relief. Regardless, bankers have learned over the past few years how critical every step of the legislative process is to their business plans and execution. While we are often powerless to control the process, we must remain involved at all levels of government and continue to communicate our concerns and needs. I am proud of the Hoosier bankers who have stepped up and participated in the legislative efforts of the Indiana Bankers Association. The level of member support we receive today is higher than at any point in my career. We cannot let up, however. We must remain vigilant in our pursuit of a fair and equitable regulatory environment for all banks. While the Olympics may not impact our day-to-day business lives, it is a fun and entertaining event to watch. Following the two national conventions, we likely will be ready for some lighter fare. USA! USA! USA!