2016 Vol. 100 No. 8

15 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢєѢѠѡȱ2016 Stan Calderon, Bank One, Lafayette, meets with State Treasurer Marge O’Laughlin. 1989 IBA President Robert W. Hill WHVWLÀHV LQ VXSSRUW RI 6HQDWH %LOO 1985 Rebecca Ravine,Anthony Wayne Bank, Fort Wayne, displays a scholarship awarded by the National Association of Bank Women. 1983 IBA Agricultural Banking Committee members meet (left to right): Roscoe R. Smith, Shipshewana State Bank; Freddie Barnard, Purdue University; and Richard Parker, Hancock Bank & 7UXVW *UHHQÀHOG 1984 Bankers visit the trade show at the 1987 IBA Annual Convention. 1987 Bill Harrod, Mutual Trust Company, New Albany, relaxes at an IBA event, with the Statehouse as a backdrop. 1986 The employees of Seymour National Bank presented Gerald Armstrong with a golf club to commemorate his election as IBA chairman. 1988