2016 Vol. 100 No. 8

6 HќќѠіђџȱ юћјђџ ѢєѢѠѡȱ2016 CALENDAR UPDATE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Register online at indianabankers.org/education-events The IBA Center for Professional Development is located at 6925 Parkdale Place, Indianapolis, IN 46254 Phone: 317-387-9380 Twitter: @IndianaBankers Alternative Delivery Channels … $YDLODEOH DW \RXU FRQYHQLHQFH YLD :HELQDU &' 520 RU 2Q 'HPDQG Annual Directors Workshop Aug. 15 - The Landmark Conference & Reception Centre, Fort Wayne Aug. 16 - Wooded Glen Retreat & Conference Center, Henryville Aug. 17 - IBA Center IBA Regional Meetings Aug. 17 - Mountain Jack’s Steakhouse, Lafayette Aug. 18 - Buckhead Mountain Grill, Jeffersonville Workshop for Loan Assistants and Processors Aug. 16 - IBA Center Introduction to Consumer Loan Origination Aug. 17 - IBA Center Branch Management Series: Session 3 - Leading, Developing and Engaging theTeam Aug. 23 - IBA Center IBA Leadership Development Program: Session 3 - Limitations Are Self-Imposed Aug. 24-26 - Wooded Glen Retreat & Conference Center, Henryville Essentials of Banking: Session 3 - Safeguarding the Bank and Customer Service Aug. 25 - IBA Center Real Estate Lending and Consumer Compliance Aug. 25-26 - IBA Center Developing Your Risk Appetite Aug. 30 - IBA Center Senior Retail Banking Forum Sept. 7 - IBA Center Advanced Credit Analysis School Sept. 8-9 - IBA Center Advanced Ag Lenders Workshop Sept. 8-9 - Courtyard by Marriott, West Lafayette IBA Annual Convention Sept. 11-13 - French Lick Resort 5LVN 0DQDJHPHQW 2IÀFHU )RUXP Sept. 15 - IBA Center Deposit Account Administration Sept. 15 - IBA Center In-Bank Training: How to Train Staff Using Bank Policies, Procedures, Forms and Disclosures Sept. 16 - IBA Center Call Report Preparation Sept. 20-21 - IBA Center Mortgage Lending School Sept. 20-22 - IBA Center Safe Deposit Training: Compliance and Legal Issues Sept. 22 - IBA Center IBA Annual Washington Trip Sept. 25-27 - Washington, D.C. Identifying Common Mistakes During the Appraisal Compliance Review Sept. 27 - IBA Center Security Risk Management Seminar Sept. 27 - IBA Center CBC Compliance School - Lending Compliance Module Oct. 3-6 - IBA Center Essentials of Banking: Session 4 - Lending, Bank Investments and Bank Performance Oct. 4 - IBA Center Internal Audit and Risk Management School Oct. 11-12 - IBA Center &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2IÀFHU )RUXP Oct. 11 - Group 1 - IBA Center Oct. 14 - Group 2 - IBA Center Senior Lender Forum Oct. 12 - Group 1 - IBA Center Oct. 13 - Group 2 - IBA Center Putting Power Into Prospecting: Successful Trust-Based Acquisition Strategies Oct. 13 - IBA Center Cybersecurity Conference Oct. 13-14 - Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel, Carmel Marketing Directors Forum Oct. 18 - IBA Center IRA School Oct. 18 - Basic Issues - IBA Center Oct. 19 - Intermediate/Advanced Issues - IBA Center Social Strategies Workshop Oct. 19 IBA Center BSA/AML Compliance Management Oct. 20 - IBA Center Lenders Comprehensive Guide to Mortgage Lending Oct. 25-26 - IBA Center IBA Leadership Development Program - Session 4:Who Dares Wins Oct. 26-28 - Wooded Glen Retreat & Conference Center, Henryville ,7 DQG 2SHUDWLRQV 2IÀFHU )RUXP Oct. 27 - Group 1 - IBA Center Oct. 28 - Group 2 - IBA Center Community Bankers for Compliance School - Deposit and Operations Nov. 2-3 - IBA Center IBA Future Leadership Division Annual Conference Nov. 2-3 - Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel, Carmel Implementing the New HMDA Rules Nov. 7 - IBA Center Branch Management Series: Session 4, Raising the Bar for Sustainable Growth Nov. 8 - IBA Center Human Resources Directors Forum Nov. 9 - IBA Center Fundamentals of Commercial Lending Nov. 9-10 - IBA Center Midwest Agricultural Banking School Nov. 14-17 - Purdue University, West Lafayette Community Bankers for Compliance Series - Session 4 Nov. 14 - The Landmark Conference Centre, Fort Wayne Nov. 15 - IBA Center Nov. 16 - IBA Center FDIC Banker College Nov. 17 - Indianapolis Marriott North, Indianapolis Successful Business Development - Making 2017 a RecordYear Dec. 6 - IBA Center Sharpening Your Vendor Management Skills Dec. 7 - IBA Center Advanced Commercial Lending School Dec. 8-9 - IBA Center Lending Compliance Update Dec. 13 - IBA Center $XJ %DVLF &DVK )ORZ $QDO\VLV $XJ (VVHQWLDO &RPSOLDQFH 5HJXODWLRQV IRU WKH Frontline $XJ ² 75,' 7KH :KHQ DQG :K\ RI 5HYLVHG 'LVFORVXUHV $XJ 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ &DOO 5HSRUW 5HJXODWRU\ &DSLWDO 6WDQGDUGV 5DWLRV 5LVN :HLJKWLQJ $XJ &ORVLQJ 'HSRVLW $FFRXQWV &ULWLFDO ,VVXHV $XJ +0'$ 1HZ DQG 5HTXLUHPHQWV $XJ 7KH $SSOLFDWLRQ 3URFHVV IRU WKH 1HZ 0RUWJDJH /HQGHU 0RUWJDJH $SSOLFDWLRQV /LQH E\ /LQH $XJ &(&/ 5XOHV )LQDOL]HG 2YHUYLHZ 3UHSDUDWLRQ 3ODQ DQG 'DWD &ROOHFWLRQ &RQVLGHUDWLRQV $XJ $XGLW &RPSOLDQFH 6HULHV $XGLWLQJ IRU %6$ &RPSOLDQFH $XJ +HDOWK 6DYLQJV $FFRXQWV ´3HUIHFW :RUOGµ YV ´5HDO :RUOGµ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etting It Right! 6HSW 5HJXODWLRQ ( 6HSW (VVHQWLDO &RPSOLDQFH 5HTXLUHV IRU /HQGHUV 6HSW 2SHQLQJ 'HSRVLW $FFRXQWV IRU //&V 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ DQG 3URFHGXUHV 6HSW 3DVW 'XH 6DIH 'HSRVLW %R[ DQG 8QFODLPHG 3URSHUW\ 8SGDWH 6HSW +0'$ 5RDGPDS 3DUW ,PSDFW ,PSRUWDQW &KDQJHV DQG ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ &RQVLGHUDWLRQV IRU Lenders 6HSW *HW *OREDO 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ *OREDO &DVK )ORZ Analysis 6HSW 0RELOH 5HPRWH 'HSRVLW 6WUDWHJLHV 7HFKQRORJ\ 'HSOR\PHQW 0RGHOV DQG 5LVNV 6HSW $QDO\]LQJ $SSUDLVDOV IRU 0RUWJDJH 'HFLVLRQV 6HSW %6$ 5HG )ODJV IRU 0RQH\ /DXQGHULQJ )URQWOLQH $QQXDO 7UDLQLQJ ѢєѢѠѡ