2017 Vol. 101 No. 1

6 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2017 This year marks a new beginning for the Indiana Bankers Association, with 2017 kicking off the Association’s 120th year of operations. We enter this new era with exciting changes ahead. First, the Association is experiencing a leadership milestone with the election of Annette M. Russell, Security Federal Savings Bank, Logansport, as chair of the IBA board of directors. Annette serves her bank as president and chief executive officer. As of Jan. 1, she is now making history as the first woman to chair the IBA board. Additionally outstanding leadership continues this year through the IBA Future Leadership Division, with Kristin Marcuccilli, chief operating officer at STAR Bank, Fort Wayne, entering her second year as FLD president. In that capacity, Kristin also serves on the IBA board, embedding our commitment to banking’s future. And on the topic of leadership, it is humbling to have been selected to serve you as president and chief executive officer, starting this year. This position would be an honor under any circumstances, but is especially dear to me as the first female to hold this title. Thank you for the confidence you have shown in placing me in this position, which I will do my utmost to fulfill. Regarding changes this year, the most obvious is the one in front of your eyes – the redesigned and refreshed Hoosier Banker. We proudly bring our flagship publication into the future with a new look and outreach. This edition’s cover story features leadership insights from Annette and Kristin, mentioned above, and also from Cindy L. Konich, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis. In keeping with the times, starting this year Hoosier Banker will be published six times annually, continuing to bring you profiles, analyses and Association updates, but now as part of a larger communications plan. Be on the lookout, as the IBA explores technology, social media and video as means of connecting members and telling bankers’ stories. Another forthcoming change is that the IBA will be hosting its first-ever women’s conference in the fall. This event is inspired in part by leadership diversity within the industry, but also by a growing movement among state bankers associations nationwide. Our counterparts have hosted similar conferences with much success. Also this year, a move is in the works for the IBA offices. Our current location has served us well, but declining area conditions, plus a desire to consolidate the main office with the government relations team, have prompted us to seek a new home. As of this writing, finalization is still pending, but we will be sharing details soon about an upcoming move. Amber R. Van Til President & CEO Indiana Bankers Association avantil@indianabankers.org VANTAGE VIEWPOINTS A profound change coming to fruition this year is staff professional development. The IBA is fortunate to be staffed by a team of committed professionals, all of whom are eager to bring service to you to even higher levels. With the support of our board of directors, last year the IBA commenced an intense professional development campaign, which is set for completion this year. Additionally in 2017, we are scheduled for strategic planning this fall. The IBA engages in strategic planning approximately every three years, with a goal of seeking input from members and thoughtfully addressing how we can best serve member needs. The process is always enlightening and results in a living plan, which we review and assess frequently, to ensure that we deliver value for your membership. Certainly no organization can stride into the future without building on a solid past, and the IBA has benefited from a long history of quality leadership. One leader in particular merits special thanks, and that is S. Joe DeHaven, my predecessor. He retired on Dec. 31, 2016, after 47 years of dedicated service to banking. Many of our readers know Joe well, either in person or through this CEO column. For me, his leadership takes on extra meaning, as it was Joe who took a leap of faith in hiring me 15 years ago, as a recent law school graduate, to lead the Association’s government relations. These past 15 years of working under Joe’s guidance have given me the opportunity to observe and learn about leadership. I saw firsthand how much heart and spirit Joe put into his work for the Indiana banking community. I also witnessed his entrepreneurial spirit in action, and I appreciate that Joe’s tireless service has left this Association strong and sound. Our budget has nearly tripled during his tenure, and I am fortunate to be following in Joe’s wake. Going forward, I will be working closely with our officers, directors and staff to help forge a path into the future for the IBA and this industry. This redesigned Hoosier Banker is just the start of many innovations that we will be offering you in pursuit of fulfilling IBA’s mission: To advocate for and sustain an environment in which banks can succeed. HB Amber R. Van Til, JD, has been promoted to president and chief executive officer of the Indiana Bankers Association, effective Jan 1. She previously had been serving as president since March 31, 2016, when she was named successor to S. Joe DeHaven, prior president and CEO. DeHaven is featured in a special tribute in this edition of Hoosier Banker, beginning on page 14. Details about Van Til’s career appear on page 30. Van Til Named IBA President and CEO