2017 Vol. 101 No. 3

Hoosier Banker 13 A personal mission statement helps Kent Liechty find direction against “the noise of everyday distractions.” woman and a terrific partner. Teri is a busy individual and is involved in many activities in our community. “Family is very important to us. Our son Evan is at Purdue studying chemical engineering, and our daughter Riley studies logistics and supply chain management at Ball State University. “I also have a great extended family, and we often go out to eat on Sundays with my siblings, nieces and nephews, spouses and family members. Both of my parents passed away within the last few years, but our family still gets together. “As far as hobbies go, I appreciate the outdoors and sports. I run frequently and do a lot of cycling. I enjoy just being outdoors, playing games and doing family activities.” Are there any mentors who have had an influence on you? “I’ve had multiple mentors in my life that I’ve relied upon. I think it’s important to make sure you surround yourself with good people. “You should also pass along the mentoring that you have received onto others, whether it’s your children, a sibling or people in your community. That’s how you develop future leaders.” HB Kent A. Liechty, president and CEO of First Bank of Berne, lives by a personal mission statement: “To serve God as a leader, husband and a father, and to live my life with integrity in everything that I do and everything that I say.” Watch as he explains the development of his statement, and why he encourages others to develop statements of their own. Click on the YouTube arrow above in HB Digital at indianabankers.org. VIDEO BONUS