2017 Vol. 101 No. 4

Hoosier Banker 23 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., respectively, provided notification is provided within 90 calendar days of the acquisition, and the applicant provides any relevant information requested. HB 1 Ind. Code § 28-1-2-23 (i) This subsection applies to a transaction described in 12 CFR 303.83(b)(1), including the following: (1) The acquisition of voting shares through inheritance; (2) 8LI EGUYMWMXMSR SJ ZSXMRK WLEVIW XLVSYKL E FSRE ƤHI KMJX (3) The acquisition of voting shares in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted in good faith, other than the acquisition of a defaulted loan secured by a controlling amount of the voting securities of a bank, trust company, stock savings bank, FERO LSPHMRK GSQTER] GSVTSVEXI ƤHYGMEV] SV MRHYWXVMEP PSER and investment company. 2 ' * 6 i Ʉ E )\IQTX XVERWEGXMSRW 8LI JSPPS[MRK transactions do not require notice to the Board under this subpart: (b) Prior notice exemption. (1) The following acquisitions of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company, which would otherwise require prior notice under this subpart, are not subject to the prior notice requirements MJ XLI EGUYMVMRK TIVWSR RSXMƤIW XLI ETTVSTVMEXI 6IWIVZI &ERO within 90 calendar days after the acquisition and provides any relevant information requested by the Reserve Bank: (i) Acquisition of voting securities through inheritance; MM %GUYMWMXMSR SJ ZSXMRK WIGYVMXMIW EW E FSRE ƤHI KMJX ERH (iii) Acquisition of voting securities in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted (DPC) in good faith. 3 12 C.F.R. §303.83(a) Notice within 90 days after the acquisition. The following acquisitions of voting securities of a covered institution, which otherwise would require prior notice under this subpart, instead require the acquirer to TVSZMHI XS XLI ETTVSTVMEXI *(-' SJƤGI [MXLMR GEPIRHEV HE]W after the acquisition all relevant information requested by the *(-' 8LI EGUYMWMXMSR SJ ZSXMRK WIGYVMXMIW EW E FSRE ƤHI gift; (2) The acquisition of voting securities in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted in good faith, except as provided in §303.82(c); and (3) The acquisition of voting securities through inheritance. This information is provided for general education purposes and is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult legal GSYRWIP JSV WTIGMƤG KYMHERGI EW XS LS[ XLMW MRJSVQEXMSR applies to your institution’s circumstances or situation. Congratulations to Tracy Kubly, IBA Employee of the Month for April, and Michelle Long, IBA Employee of the Month for May. Tracy is IBA’s technology manager, and Michelle serves the Association as administrative assistant. As part of the Indiana Bankers Association’s professional development campaign, IBA staff, members and associate members are invited to submit names of staff members who have demonstrated exemplary service. Nominations are read aloud at a monthly staff meeting, and then one name is selected in a drawing. The resulting Employee of the Month is awarded a certificate and a prize, and his or her name and photo are displayed on a staff bulletin board. To nominate an IBA staff person for Employee of the Month, please call in to 317-387-9380, or email any IBA associate with the name of the honoree, and a brief description of the service provided. Thank you for your support, as the IBA strives to go from good to great. HB Michelle Long IBA EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH Tracy Kubly Overachieving has been our strong point for quite some time. Symbolized by our 60-plus years as counsel, Krieg DeVault has been involved in every major event that has shaped the evolution of Indiana’s ȨQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR OHDGLQJ FRPPHUFLDO DQG LQYHVWPHQW EDQNV RXU FOLHQWV LQFOXGH VSHFLDOW\ ȨQDQFH FRPSDQLHV LQVXUDQFH FDUULHUV DQG DJHQWV EURNHU GHDOHUV DQG LQYHVWPHQW DGYLVHUV /HW XV VWDUW RYHUDFKLHYLQJ IRU \RX WRGD\ Visit us at www.kriegdevault.com. .ULHJ 'H9DXOW //3 One Indiana Square | Suite 2800 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2079 P: © .ULHJ 'H9DXOW //3 7KLV FRQVWLWXWHV DWWRUQH\ DGYHUWLVLQJ .ULHJ 'H9DXOW //3 ,QGLDQDSROLV ,1 LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKLV FRQWHQW