2017 Vol. 101 No. 4

Hoosier Banker 9 Always your partner, never your competitor.™ Offer a leasing solution that complements your customer relationships. Don’t watch your clients go elsewhere for their leasing needs. Bankers’ Bank can aid you in offering a Lease product uniquely designed to enhance the community-bank customer relationship. We offer complete backroom support and marketing assistance, while you gain earning assets or fee income, with no residual risk. Capturing lease business can be easy. Contact Mike LaSalle RU \RXU %DQNHUV· %DQN FRUUHVSRQGHQW RIÀFHU WR OHDUQ PRUH Mike LaSalle President & Managing Director BB Community Leasing Services, Inc. a Bankers’ Bank subsidiary 608-829-5533 MLaSalle@BankersBankUSA.com Linda Lease 317.504.2007 Indiana Jeff Niesen 608.577.8081 Midwest Brad Stamper 608.829.5540 Midwest Mark Wade 317.523.4342 Indiana www.BankersBankUSA.com 0DGLVRQ :, ‡ 'HV 0RLQHV ,$ ‡ ,QGLDQDSROLV ,1 ‡ 6SULQJ¿HOG ,/ Member FDIC • Equal Housing Lender