2017 Vol. 101 No. 5

12 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2017 an urgent need to provide a flood determination service that is more accurate and would provide superior customer service. “Knowing that I needed help, in the summer of 1991 I took my idea and sold it to my lifelong friend and co-founder, Grant Walmoth, while in my backyard pool. Grant and I spent many late nights developing our business plan for Floodplain Consultants at my house for several weeks and, shortly afterward, moved to a small 12-foot-by12-foot, one-room office along Eagle Creek near downtown Indianapolis, protected by a floodwall. During the first few months, Grant slept under the table at the office, and would go to a truck stop to shower and put on a suit to meet with bankers to sell our service. “I was vice president, and Grant served as president for the first nine years. In 2000 I took over as president and CEO. In 2003 we promoted Tom Luken as office manager/ owner and added Craig Callahan as VP of sales and business development/owner.” How has a person or event impacted the evolution of your career? “I have been fortunate to work with and learn from some great managers. Dwight Brooks, state park property manager, Paul McMinn, assistant manager South Bend Parks Department, and Jim Hebenstreit, assistant director IDNR Division of Water, along with all my coworkers and staff. “I am thankful for our first client, who had faith and took a risk of using our service, and every client since. Our clients have challenged and pushed me and my staff to new levels of service and success. Without the support of our clients, we would not have achieved our first endorsement in 1994 with the Indiana League of Saving Institutions. “This endorsement ushered in growth beyond our expectations. In 1997 we received the endorsement of the Community Bankers Association of Indiana. With the support and encouragement of Joe DeHaven, then CBAI president, we also landed endorsements from the Ohio Banker League and the Illinois Bankers Association. “Our current endorsement with the IBA in 2006 has reinforced that we are the firm of choice for Indiana lending institutions. Growing with our clients, we have now expanded our industry-leading services nationwide. “I also give equal credit to my partners and staff at Floodplain Consultants, who work on the frontlines daily, providing the best service possible to our clients and their borrowers. It is not always easy to tell borrowers that their buildings are in the Special Flood Hazard Area (floodplain) and do the day-to-day work. “I consider myself an average leader with an above-average ability to pick outstanding people who have added greatly to my success. My staff is the hardest working and best in our industry.” What would you like IBA members to know about Floodplain Consultants? “If you are one of our clients, please remember you can always call me or my staff for help. If you are not currently a client, you are also welcomed to call us for help. “We want to show you the value of our service by reviewing current or past problem flood zone determinations. You get help for free, and we get the opportunity to show you the value of our service.” Please share a bit about home life and/or pastimes. “I have been married to my wife Cindi for 29 years, and we have three children. We now live in Indianapolis in the Meridian-Kessler area. Our twin sons, Luke and COVER STORY The history of Floodplain Consultants is carefully preserved in a scrapbook.