2018 Vol. 102 No. 1

42 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2018 a carousel of images or videos on “cards” to see more. This works well for showing multiple banking products, for telling your brand story in a visually narrative way, or for explaining a complex process. • Slideshow. Video takes time and resources to create. If you can’t spend on video, you can still use the power of video with a Slideshow – a video-like experience that uses your own images, stock photos, sound and text to tell your story. Its tools make it easy to put a creative ad together in minutes. One way to use Slideshow ads is to test your content to see what resonates with your audience. Then, spend the time and resources to create video for the most successful message/content. • Collection. This ad type seems to be used more by retailers and e-commerce to display products and encourage online shopping via Facebook. Buying behavior is changing. People spend more time learning about products, researching companies, and comparing/evaluating before they ever get to your website. They expect fast-loading, seamless experiences on their phones – and Facebook is actually penalizing ads/pages that link to slower-loading websites. Collection is one of its solutions to this problem. You can create one ad that makes it easier for consumers to discover, browse, purchase products or take advantage of offers without clicking off of Facebook. Objective-Based Ad Types – • Lead ads. These types of ads are designed to capture leads. The benefit of using lead ads are that you reach the right people and get higher-quality leads. The forms do much of the heavy lifting for you and boost conversion rates, because Facebook can fill in a lot of the blanks, and the user feels very little friction. • Dynamic ads. Facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet. Simply upload your product catalog and set up your campaign one time, and it will continue working for you. • Link ads. Like the name suggests, these ads link to your website, a landing page, an event registration page – wherever you want the user to go. Get more clicks and visits with link ads. Creativity Is Key If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of your options, take a moment to experiment. Your virtual playground is in Creative Hub, where you can preview existing ads, see what works for others in your industry, and even mock up your own ads and preview them on different devices. Facebook’s virtual buffet of ad options means that the ad that’s right for you is in there somewhere. Dig in, and find the ad that will best suit your needs. Just remember, as with all activities and campaigns in social media, be sure to check with your compliance department to ensure that you are creating content that falls within the guidelines specified for your bank. HB 866.440.6515 www.bokfinancial.com/assetliability Securities, insurance and advisory services offered by BOK Financial Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC and a subsidiary of BOK Financial Corporation. Some services offered through our affiliate, Institutional Investments, Bank of Oklahoma which operates as a separately identifiable trading department of BOKF, NA. NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE ASSET/LIABILITY MODELING | ASSET/LIABILITY VALIDATION | ASSET/LIABILITY CONSULTING Your asset/liability model is crucial to the success of your financial institution and its ability to help customers. Let us conduct a review of your model to evaluate its interest rate risk and assess its accuracy to ensure that it’s a reliable resource. From there, we can provide you with helpful suggestions to mitigate risk and increase profitability. Let us be your partner for success. Is Your Asset/Liability Model Leaving You Open To Risk?