2018 Vol. 102 No. 2

10 MARCH / APRIL 2018 COVER STORY Rep. Trey Hollingsworth Bringing business sense to Washington, D.C. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth was sworn into office on Jan. 3, 2017, to represent Indiana’s 9th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Prior to public service, he was a successful small business owner for 14 years. He began his career by renovating and rehabilitating abandoned industrial sites, and later ventures included the establishment of a large aluminum remanufacturing operation in Indiana. Rep. Hollingsworth serves in Congress on the U.S. House Financial Services Committee and on three of its subcommittees: Capital Markets, Securities, and Investment; Monetary Policy and Trade; and Oversight and Investigations. Current issues he is fighting for include tax relief, jobs creation, congressional term limits, and lobbying bans on former members of Congress. Trey Hollingsworth has been welcoming of the Indiana banking community, meeting with bankers at the Indiana Bankers Association Annual Convention last September and during the IBA Annual Washington Trip in November. Hoosier Banker recently interviewed him about his work as a public servant. Why did you choose to enter public service? “Two reasons: One, I wanted to make sure that we get real and genuine business experience in Washington. What Washington lacks is an understanding of what it takes to create opportunity across the country. “We need policies that create jobs and opportunities for small businesses to grow and for people to save for their financial future. Washington couldn’t achieve those policy issues, because it was devoid of business experience. I’m focused on investing my business experience, so we can achieve better outcomes. “The second reason is that we’ve got too many career politicians in D.C. who promote their own interests, rather than the people’s interests. I’m a big fan of term limits and lifetime lobbying bans, so that we can stop being influenced by the values of Washington. “It’s really important that people have expiration dates. If there’s an alignment of incentives – if politicians know that they’re going to have to get a job again – they’ll create the type of regulatory environment where jobs are created. “My first day in Congress, the very first email out of my outbox was to the Legislative Counsel, instructing a draft on term limits legislation. I’m on every single true term limits bill in the House of Representatives, all eight Rep. Trey Hollingsworth represents Indiana’s 9th District in the U.S. House of ZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟǀĞƐ͘