2018 Vol. 102 No. 2

Hoosier Banker 11 of them, and I’m the only representative on more than three. “I’ve also introduced a ban on lifetime lobbying, so that if you’ve ever been a member of Congress, you can never be a lobbyist. It’s not a one-year ban, or a two- or three-year ban, but a lifetime ban. “The biggest and most profound change we can make, outside of getting the economy moving, is changing the culture in Washington. It has served itself well, but not Americans.” How does your background as a small business owner inform your legislative views? “It informs every aspect of what I do. I want to ensure that the economy is growing, that people are getting jobs, that people are seeing real wage growth, and that people are able to start small businesses in their garages that will become the business leaders of their communities two generations from now. “We’ve gotten away from that. Instead, we’ve got career politicians in D.C. who have no private sector experience. They don’t know what it’s like to run a small business, or create a product, or create opportunity. “What I’m there for is to combine real-world experience and common sense with good policies, so that more Hoosiers can get jobs and see pay increases. PHOTO CAPTION: %WWSGMEXIW SJ ( 7XSRI Inc., Bloomington, talk FYWMRIWW [MXL 8VI] ,SPPMRKW[SVXL 8LI GSQTER] WTIGMEPM^IW MR -RHMERE EVGLMXIGXYVEP limestone.