2018 Vol. 102 No. 2

14 MARCH / APRIL 2018 stronger, demand is vibrant. How can I get more people to help me, so that I can help them with their financial future, as well?’ Making sure that we build the right skillsets is hugely important, so that those who are sidelined can have their slice of the American dream.” Please tell a bit about home life and pastimes. “My wife Kelly and I had our first baby six months ago. Joseph is the first grandbaby on both sides, so he is the center of our universe, for both us and his grandparents. Kelly and I have been astounded by the I want small community bankers to be able to inform and guide policy by getting their voices heard.” What do you foresee for the U.S. economy throughout your term of service? “Though I don’t prognosticate about the economy, I can tell you it’s the primary issue that I focus on. So much of my time is focused on how to fix the regulatory environment to empower more businesses, and to enable banks to make more loans. “I also focus on how to fix the tax code, which we’ve done, to make sure that it reflects a 21st century economy. Every Hoosier needs to be able to hold onto more of their earnings and create a better future for themselves, not a future that Washington dictates. “Third, I focus on making sure that we create the right policy with regard to employees and labor, so that we give people the skills that they need to get back into the workforce. We’ve got so many Americans who have been sitting on the sidelines, not finding the right job. How do we empower them to come back? “What I hear from businesses across the district is, ‘I can’t find enough people. The economy is getting better, it’s getting 8VI] ,SPPMRKW[SVXL QIIXW [MXL ,SSWMIV JEVQIVW EX E PSGEP GSJJII WLST XS LIEV XLIMV XLSYKLXW EW LI ƤKLXW XS IRWYVI -RHMEREŭW EKVMGYPXYVI GSQQYRMX] MW [IPP VITVIWIRXIH in Washington. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth talks EFSYX LMW KVIEXIWX MRƥYIRGI growing up in this brief video. To view, click on the icon above in HB Digital. VIDEO BONUS outpouring of support, from all across the district, in starting our family. “Becoming a parent made me recognize that the decisions being made in Washington today – building a better economy, getting more people in the workforce, improving our national security, making sure we feel safe in our communities – are going to resonate not just in our lifetimes, but for future generations of Hoosiers and Americans. “I’m reminded of that responsibility every time I look at my son. It’s truly and deeply an honor to be serving the needs of Hoosiers in the U.S. House of Representatives.” HB