2018 Vol. 102 No. 2

20 MARCH / APRIL 2018 FLD FOCUS The IBA Future Leadership Division kicked off its slate of 2018 events with the FLD Day at the Statehouse on Feb. 13 at the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis. The event, created in 2013 to educate young bank leaders on the importance of grassroots advocacy, was attended by almost 50 bankers, who ventured to Indianapolis to visit the Statehouse to see and hear firsthand from members of the IBA Government Relations Team, political insiders and legislators who play significant roles in shaping legislation. The day began with introductory comments from FLD Board President Kirby Drey of Kentland Bank, followed by an in-depth discussion from Dax Denton, IBA senior vice president-government relations. Attendees were able to learn about Indiana’s legislative process, including a summary of how a bill becomes a law and the importance that legislative committees play in moving legislation forward. In addition to the legislative process, the group was reminded of the importance of bankers being engaged in grassroots advocacy efforts and building relationships with legislators, so that they can serve as sources of trusted information when banking issues arise. Next the group made its first of two trips over to the Statehouse for meetings with legislators. First the group had the privilege to hear from Sen. Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Chip Perfect (R-Lawrenceburg), chairman of the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions Committee, inside the Senate chamber. Attendees had the chance to sit at the desks of the 50 state senators during the meeting, and were briefed by the senators on their experiences in the Senate and advised on how bankers can make their voices heard in the legislative process. The group then had the opportunity to travel across the hall and visit inside the House chamber with Rep. Woody Burton (R-Whiteland), chairman of the House Financial Institutions Committee, and Rep. Thomas Washburne (R-Inglefield), chairman of the House Courts and Criminal Code Committee. The duo of legislators discussed their backgrounds in banking legislation and the importance of bankers remaining in contact with their legislators to advise on banking issues. The final meeting included an in-depth question-and-answer session with members of the Indiana Future Caucus, which consists of legislators 40 years and younger. The group was introduced to Rep. David Ober (R-Albion), Rep. Ryan Hatfield (D-Evansville) and Rep. Dan Forestal (D-Indianapolis). The legislators offered an insightful look at the Indiana General Assembly and their experiences as young legislators. They expressed an overwhelming positive influence that younger legislators have had on the Indiana General Assembly, and how they are able to shape public policy. They also discussed the need for younger people to run for public office, and the important role that bankers can play in their communities. The IBA would like to thank Sen. Bray, Sen. Perfect, Rep. Burton, Rep. Washburne, Rep. Ober, Rep. Hatfield and Rep. Forestal for their service in the General Assembly, as well as their generosity of time in meeting with our bankers. The group then returned to the Hyatt Regency for lunch, sponsored by Krieg DeVault LLP. The lunch hour included a panel of political insiders who offered their views on the 2018 Indiana legislative session and the upcoming elections. Michael R. O’Brien of 1816 inc., Michael C. Leppert of Krieg DeVault LLP, and Brandon Smith of Indiana Public Broadcasting, all presented outstanding and insightful views of Indiana politics and legislation. All three individuals are featured on or FLD Day at the Statehouse Offers an inside view Article author Joshua A. Myers )\IGYXMZI +SZIVRQIRX 6IPEXMSRW 'SSVHMREXSV Indiana Bankers Association jmyers@indianabankers.org @joshmyersIN HB Digital: Click to view a gallery of photos from the FLD Day at the Statehouse.