2018 Vol. 102 No. 2

Hoosier Banker 31 LEADERSHIP Krieg DeVault is pleased to announce that long-time Financial Institutions Partner 0LFKDHO - 0HVVDJOLD KDV EHHQ HOHFWHG DV WKH ȨUPȆV QHZ 0DQDJLQJ 3DUWQHU Visit us at www.kriegdevault.com “I look forward to enhancing the ȨUPȆV FOLHQW VHUYLFH LQLWLDWLYHV ZKLOH FRQWLQXLQJ WR SURYLGH FRXQVHO WR RXU YDOXHG ȨQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV FOLHQWV.” Michael J. Messaglia, Managing Partner Crystal Taylor-Baker of Old National Bank, Evansville, and Scott Carr of First Savings Bank, Clarksville, have been named to the board of directors of the Indiana Bankers Association Future Leadership Division. Taylor-Baker joins in capacity as southwest region director, and Carr as southeast region director. Crystal Taylor-Baker is senior vice president, commercial banking executive, of Old National Bank, serving the Bloomington area. She joined the bank in 2000 as a commercial credit analyst and has also held positions in treasury management and residential lending. Taylor-Baker is active in leadership initiatives, including an Old National partnership program with Butler University, Leadership Bloomington/Monroe County and Adventure Cycling Association, and she is a past president of the board of directors of WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University. Scott Carr is executive vice president, chief risk officer, of First Savings Bank. He joined the bank in 2016 after experience as chief risk officer of Your Community Bank for 11 years, as compliance manager of Financial Service Solutions LLC, as compliance manager of First Omni Mortgage Lending and as compliance auditor of Providian Financial. Carr has served as a board member and secretary/treasurer for Rauch Industries Inc.; as board member, football chairman and secretary/treasurer for the South Central Indiana Officials Association; as board member of the Indiana Football Officials Association; and as a member of the Compliance Committee of the Indiana Bankers Association. He is a certified regulatory compliance manager, a certified AML and fraud professional, and he has earned certification in risk management assurance from the Institute of Internal Auditors. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, Carr is a graduate of Indiana University-Southeast and of the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University. The IBA Future Leadership Division represents the Association’s commitment to the Two New Members Join FLD Board future of banking by cultivating emerging professionals within the industry through networking, volunteer and educational opportunities. For more information about the FLD, contact Josh Myers at jmyers@ indianabankers.org, or visit indianabankers. org/future-leadership-division. HB