2018 Vol. 102 No. 3

14 MAY / JUNE 2018 “We are focused on providing banks with strategic insights and solutions through resources like our Fintech Playbook, which analyzes digital technologies at all levels and in all areas of the business: channels, lines of business, and bank platforms and processes. We’ve supplemented that with several white papers on topics like blockchain, regtech APIs and Zelle.” What do you most enjoy about your work? “This is a fascinating, challenging time for America’s banks. On the political side, we’re beginning to see the return of bipartisanship to banking policy issues. That, along with the engagement and leadership of bankers, the state bankers associations and our national trade associations, has pushed commonsense regulatory reform almost over the goal line. “The bipartisanship required to do that has been remarkable, and reassuring. Working together, we can and will get things done. “Our industry – made up of banks in “The opportunity for banks is to pair such innovations with traditional bank strengths: knowing their customers and providing personable service. Millennials and future generations who grew up in the era of Venmo and Uber have different expectations of their banks – and may even need to be persuaded that a bank is necessary. That’s both a challenge and an opportunity. Well versed in advocacy, Rob Nichols is passionate in supporting the banking industry. Indiana and other states across the nation – is enormously consequential. Banks are at the center of commerce, the center of economic growth and the means by which people reach important financial goals. That makes the work we do on behalf of banks incredibly meaningful. “It also means we have a great story to tell, and I appreciate the chance to help share it and change some of the misconceptions and myths about banks.” What influences guided your career development? “I’ve always had an interest in public policy, so I’m a long-time student of how Washington works. It’s important to have a variety of experiences, so I’ve benefited greatly from having worked on the Hill and in the executive branch under President George W. Bush as a Treasury assistant secretary. Each job prepares you for the next, if you listen and learn.” What was key leadership advice that you received? “It’s hard to think of one single, über piece of advice that answers this question, but there are three sentiments that have stuck with me for years. “First, be thick-skinned and mission-focused. That means keep the long game in mind, and don’t get distracted by ‘noise’ from your opponents. “Second, just like the title of the Tim McGraw song, always be humble and kind. Life is too short to deal with prima donnas. Don’t be one. “Finally, help those coming up. Today’s intern is tomorrow’s boss. Take time to mentor the next generation of leaders.” HB F C I Floodplain Consultants Inc. "We visit the site!" www.floodplain.com TM PREFERRED SERVICE PROVIDER OF THE IBA. Serving Indiana lenders since 1991 HOW IS YOUR FLOOD ZONE DETERMINATION PROVIDER HANDLING BORDERLINE CASES? Flood Zone Determinations LOMA/LOMR Assistance Flood Insurance Guidance Interfacing with: Encompass 360, Calyx Point, Byte Pro & Fis-Serv We take pride in our industry leading accuracy and customer service. Find our what a true “community bank” minded company we are. Craig Callahan 800-945-0246 ccallahan@ oodplain.com Rebeca Romero Rainey, president and CEO of the Independent Community Bankers of America is the scheduled cover story profile of the July/August Hoosier Banker. She was named to the ICBA leadership position effective May 5, upon the retirement of Camden R. Fine. In the Next Hoosier Banker –