2018 Vol. 102 No. 3

20 MAY / JUNE 2018 When entering into any contract negotiation, it is always best to have as much information as possible regarding the transaction being negotiated. The Indiana Bankers Association works diligently to assist our member banks to make sure you have the necessary information to make choices and decisions that best fit your institution. To continue providing helpful information, the IBA is pleased to introduce our newest Preferred Service Provider, Check Printing Contract Consulting. As the company name states, Check Printing Contract Consulting (CPCC) assists banks in the review and negotiation of their check printing contracts. At this point, you might be asking, “Why would I mess with my check printing contract? Checks are going away.” While this is true, there are still many customers who purchase checks, and most commercial clients still utilize printed checks. Jim Schartman, executive vice president of CPCC, is one of the country’s leading independent authorities on highly profitable check printing programs for regional and community banks. After employment at one of the country’s largest check printing companies for 32 years, he decided to apply the knowledge he had gained in starting his own consulting company. In 2015 Jim and his wife Sandy, who serves as president of the company, formed CPCC. Since its founding, CPCC has worked with over 50 banks, primarily throughout the Midwest. As an impartial consultant, Jim can help clients negotiate the best possible check printing contract for the service provider of their choice. With his years of experience, Jim is able to gain outstanding financial incentives and concessions for his bank clients, while still maintaining excellent relationships with the major check providers to build win-win check programs. Jim relieves his clients of the related time demands and confusion of the contract review and bid process. While being active in these processes and offering expertise, Jim understands that the final decision rests with the client. Before designating PSP status to Check Printing Contract Consulting, the IBA observed while Jim worked with First Savings Bank, Clarksville, to make sure he could provide the 40 percent savings he had projected. Marie Haley, executive vice president at the bank, stated, “Was I surprised by the total dollar savings Jim projected? Actually, no, I assumed it was a highly optimistic number. I would be happy to get half of it.” She added: “Four months later, I had a contract in hand that delivered on Jim’s original promises! Even after Jim’s well-earned fee is calculated, our bank had huge cost savings and a bonus to go with it. The money is the most important thing, but I also enjoyed working with Jim.” Take a moment to find out when your check printing contract is coming up for renewal, and let CPCC perform a no-obligation opportunity analysis. Let CPCC give you the knowledge you need for stronger negotiations and more revenue to your bottom line. Please contact Jim Schartman at 216-970-0105, jim.schartman@checkprintingconsulting.org, or contact me at the IBA offices or email me at rlasley@ indianabankers.org. HB Knowledge Is Power Especially in negotiation Article author Rod Lasley Vice President - Products & Services Indiana Bankers Association rlasley@indianabankers.org @rodlasley PSP SHOWCASE NEW PREFERRED SERVICE PROVIDER Check Printing Contract Consulting is a Preferred Service Provider of the Indiana Bankers Association.