2018 Vol. 102 No. 4

Hoosier Banker 15 The May/June Hoosier Banker featured the first article of a two-part leadership series. Click on the magazine graphic above in HB Digital to read the first installment. From the Last Hoosier Banker Go Local initiative is so important. We need to continue to show how the community bank business model affects local communities. There’s a natural fit here for the millennial generation and beyond. We just need to get out there and continue to tell that story. “If community banks aren’t already participating in Go Local or our Go Local Wednesday initiative, I encourage them to learn more at icba.org/golocal.” What do you most enjoy about your work? “Everything. Right now, I’m thrilled to be building new relationships and reconnecting with community bankers, state association executives and staff, along with community banking advocates from across the nation. I’m enjoying working with the tremendous ICBA staff and doing what we do best – fighting for the needs of the nation’s community banks.” What influences guided your career development? “When you grow up in a family of community bankers, working in a community bank from an early age and seeing the positive impact that the bank has on the community, you can’t help but be influenced by it. Over the years, I’ve seen small businesses thrive and be turned over to the next generation of leadership. All of this was instrumental in helping me grow into the community banking professional and advocate I am today. Rebeca Romero Rainey is president and CEO of the Independent Community Bankers of America, headquartered in Washington, D.C. “I also can’t say enough positive things about getting involved with your local state association to engage with other community bankers and advocate for our industry. I learned so much by getting involved with the Independent Community Bankers of New Mexico and serving as their president back in 2007. “Serving on ICBA’s Executive Committee was also instrumental in my career development, because it was a great learning experience and provided me with opportunities to travel the country and connect with my fellow community bankers. “Something that I’m really drawing on now is my past experience in engaging with the regulators. Thanks to my time on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Advisory Committee on Community Banking and the Kansas City Federal Reserve Community Depository Institution Advisory Council, I was able to learn how to work with regulators to make change happen.” What was key leadership advice that you received? “Two key phrases come to mind. First, the power of listening. When I assumed the leadership role at my family bank, I learned early on that you need to listen in order Rebeca Romero Rainey was a featured speaker at the 2016 Indiana Bankers Association Annual Convention. to learn. The core is being able to listen to ensure you understand the problems you are trying to solve and being open to hearing the potential solutions, so you can make the best business decisions. “My other key leadership advice came from my dad, who taught me the power of making the hard right decision instead of the easy wrong decision. This advice has guided so much of what I do.” HB VIDEO BONUS ICBA Video on S. 2155 ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey reacts to the passage of S. 2155. To view, click on the video icon in HB Digital. Rob Nichols Forward-looking leader of the ABA HB HOOSIER BANKER MAGAZINE indianabankers.org PLUS! FLD Focuses on the Future MAY / JUNE 2018