28 JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2019 GR SUMMIT Your Indiana Bankers Association Government Relations Team is eager to share with you new approaches to how we fundraise for Indiana BANKPAC and engage membership in grassroots advocacy. These changes are in support of the government relations component of IBA’s 2018-2020 strategic plan. While the fundamentals and importance of both BANKPAC and grassroots remain, the IBA GR Team is restructuring several aspects of how we seek your support and participation in both areas. The following is a summary of GR initiatives the IBA has begun to implement. The cornerstone for success is the recent creation of IBA’s Ambassador of Strategic Advocacy program. Through this initiative, each IBA-member bank designates an Ambassador of Strategic Advocacy, who acts as the primary conduit for IBA efforts regarding Indiana BANKPAC and grassroots engagement. Ambassadors organize and grow the Indiana BANKPAC inside their institutions; receive and disseminate IBA grassroots advocacy alerts; and assist with IBA’s Key Contact Program, another new component of IBA government relations. Through the Key Contact Program, the IBA gives a formal structure to the identification of existing relationships that bankers may have with elected officials. By identifying these relationships, the IBA can ultimately create a working list of key contacts. Some of the most meaningful and informative discussions on policy take place in the context of longstanding relationships. The IBA Key Contact Program is designed to better facilitate these conversations and will be a critical part of overall grassroots engagement moving forward. Another feature outlined in the IBA’s strategic plan is a greater emphasis on bolstering BANKPAC by recruiting more individual supporters. Using various tools, including highlighting bankers who give generously to the PAC as individuals, the IBA can harness BANKPAC success into recruiting more individuals to participate. Additionally, the GR Team is reviewing ways to modernize PAC giving, as modes of fundraising evolve that include use of technology. Currently, one of the most effective ways to enhance BANKPAC participation is through peer-to-peer interaction. Enabling our strongest BANKPAC supporters to reach out to their colleagues to emphasize the importance of the PAC will help us reach higher fundraising goals. The success of BANKPAC is rooted in our members. Finally, through the IBA Future Leadership Division, we continue to encourage emerging bank leaders to enhance BANKPAC participation and grassroots engagement. The Future Leadership Division is IBA’s gateway to the future, and FLD member involvement in fundraising and advocacy will strengthen our collective voice for years to come. We have often used the analogy relating the three areas of IBA government relations – lobbying, grassroots and Indiana BANKPAC – to a three-legged stool. All three legs of the stool are equally important to its strength and stability. Figuratively, we are building a bigger, better stool. Your awareness and participation is critical to building that success. Thank you for all you do in support of Indiana banking. HB GR Initiatives In support of BANKPAC and grassroots Dax Denton Senior Vice PresidentGovernment Relations Indiana Bankers Association ddenton@indianabankers.org @ibagovrelations Eric J. Augustus Vice President-Government Relations Indiana Bankers Association eaugustus@indianabankers.org