2020 Vol. 104 No. 6

14 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2020 to be fairly difficult, based on the challenges the pandemic has given us. “The original forecast for the 2021 budget was done in April of 2019, and right now the forecasts are lower as a result of the pandemic. We are now looking to be potentially $3 billion to $4 billion short of the original forecast, creating some significant challenges. “Another big topic in this legislative session is that of redistricting. We are going to have to redistrict the congressional seats based on 2020 census numbers, and local governments will have to redistrict, as well. That’s often contentious, and I expect it will be again. “We’ll also have a number of other issues coming up. Last year we took a swing at trying to improve healthcare costs in the state of Indiana. We made some progress but didn’t finish the job, so we’re going to continue to work on that. “We’re additionally going to try to work on ways to make our energy costs more competitive. They’ve been going up and up, which has had an impact on all Hoosiers, including Hoosier businesses. “Another big topic is determining how we as a state can create an environment that allows the economy to get going again after it’s taken such a hit with this pandemic. One idea that’s floating around is immunity for businesses and other groups. “So long as these organizations are taking reasonable, prudent steps to make sure that employees and customers are safe, they should get immunity from potential lawsuits in the event that somebody contracts COVID-19 at their place of business. That’s a big conversation that we’ll be having this next legislative session.” Do you see the 2021 General Assembly changing how it operates if the spread of COVID-19 remains a concern? If so, how? “Yes, and we are in the process of determining exactly how we will function. We’ve created a Legislative Continuity Committee of both House and Senate members. They’re looking at how we can function if we are still impacted by COVID-19 in 2021, and I suspect we will be, at least on some level. “The committee is examining a series of steps of how we can function, with the first one being functioning as normal, if COVID-19 isn’t creating challenges for us. The second step is functioning in the chambers while remaining socially distanced. The next step is, if we can’t be together, how can we do our work virtually? “If the work is done virtually, we’d still As the 2021 legislative session approaches, what are some of the top issues? “Every session has its own personality, it seems, and its number of important issues, but this year is going to be a big one. The first and foremost priority will be crafting another two-year budget for the state. That’s going On Nov. 20, 2018, with family by his side, Sen. Rodric Bray was sworn in as Senate president pro tempore by Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush. Sen. Rodric Bray greets FFA students at the Indiana Statehouse.