2020 Vol. 104 No. 6

Hoosier Banker 17 “Education is so important to our family, as we believe it provides every individual an opportunity for success. As a state representative, I have focused on improving our K-12 education system, to provide every child with a great educational experience, and helping adults find the training programs they need for success.” In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, banks have helped by processing Paycheck Protection Program loans to assist small businesses. What more can the Indiana banking community do to support economic growth? “First of all, let me say that our state’s banking community has been a very helpful partner in helping with the coordination and distribution of the various CARES Act federal assistance programs. Whether it was funds from the Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, or the many provisions you’ve had to sort through relating to credit reporting or debt restructuring, Indiana banks have been instrumental in getting these critical funds to Hoosier businesses and families. Thank you! “Going forward, your support will remain every bit as critical. Although it’s anyone’s guess as to whether it comes before or after the upcoming election, there may be another federal pandemic relief bill, the funds from which will be passing through your institutions. “Looking further down the road, I’m concerned there could be many Hoosiers in the months ahead that will be reaching out to you, Indiana’s banking community, seeking payment arrangements on their mortgages or business loans. I’m pleased to see that many financial institutions are proactively working with their customers to establish payment plans to your mutual benefit. “My preference would be to simply encourage these voluntary arrangements, but there could be a need for the state to provide additional assistance. Should that become necessary, we will look to partner with you to develop solutions on how best to mitigate the impact on Hoosiers.” As the 2021 legislative session approaches, what are some of the top issues? “Public health conditions permitting, we are focused on doing all we can to support getting Hoosier businesses open and thriving again. This means: working on a COVID-related liability shield for businesses, as well as healthcare workers and facilities; supporting schools so that they’re able to safely remain open; enacting a fiscally responsible budget in which we live within our means and maintain our strong fiscal position and AAA credit rating; and continuing to invest in key priorities and efficiently deliver essential government services. “The budget, in particular, will be especially difficult. However, our long history of As speaker of the House, Rep. Todd Huston is frequently interviewed about legislative matters. Todd and Denise Huston enjoy family time with their children, Jake and Elizabeth.