2020 Vol. 104 No. 6

Hoosier Banker 21 The FLD Leadership Conference was held virtually Aug. 27-28 in an effort to continue to engage today’s emerging leaders in networking, professional development and leadership training. Thanks to the flexibility and adaptability of speakers and attendees alike, the conference was a much-needed success that allowed bankers an opportunity to connect in a virtual environment. Beginning on Aug. 27, the conference kicked off with a warm welcome from FLD Advisory Board President Melodie K. Yarnell of Jackson County Bank, Seymour. Attendees then hit the ground running with an engaging opening presentation by the talented Kendra Ramirez, as she discussed her path to success and what she wishes she knew earlier on that could have helped her in her journey. Following, attendees were able to participate in roundtable discussions with their peers led by members of the FLD Advisory Board for valuable dialogue on what they learned. Next, the group had the opportunity to hear the latest tips and best practices in an area we all have suddenly found ourselves in this year: remote working. J.T. Turner provided an in-depth look at how to manage remotely, how to maintain contact, and suggestions for balancing work life. After another round of small group discussions on the topic of remote working, the conference then proceeded to a longer session of speed roundtables that allowed participants to discuss other concepts related to their careers and further meet their peers. The first day then concluded with a fun group activity called the Go Game. The virtual team-building platform allowed members to compete in trivia, create virtual paintings and more for some spirited competition. Josh Myers Assistant Vice President - Member Engagement Indiana Bankers Association jmyers@indiana.bank @joshmyersIN On Aug. 28, Alex Perry brought energy and enthusiasm to our early morning session with her discussion on leadership presence, its importance to career-building and how to develop it to reach the next level. Her session was followed by another short roundtable discussion session. Next, we were pleased to welcome Susan Sullivan from Independent Community Bankers of America, as she discussed the latest federal banking issues, the effects of COVID-19 on legislation and the importance of grassroots advocacy for emerging leaders. The final session of the conference belonged to the humorous Damian Mason and his unique style. His discussion on reinvention allowed attendees to consider how change is inevitable, and how we choose to react to it determines our future success. With the impact of COVID-19 still ongoing, the message was an especially timely reminder of how bankers should approach the challenges of the day. Thank you to everyone who attended our 2020 FLD Leadership Conference. While we certainly wish that we could have had the opportunity to see you in person, we are very appreciative of your virtual presence and your support of the Future Leadership Division’s mission. HB Thank You, Sponsors! Krieg DeVault LLP – event sponsor Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis IBA Group Insurance Trust Independent Community Bankers of America SmithAmundsen LLC