2020 Vol. 104 No. 6

24 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2020 FEATURE On sunny days, excess power has the potential to be exported to the grid. On cloudy days, the bank can draw power from the grid. Using the panels can save 25,000 pounds of coal annually. But solar power, high-efficiency lighting and HVAC systems are just the beginning of the innovations incorporated into the building design. “K4 took an approach whereby the whole building becomes a model of efficiency,” Meyer said. “Once they described how the building ‘breathed,’ we could not help but continue with these enhancements. Again, we wanted to set an example as our society learns how best to conserve resources and modernize our approach to energy use and efficiency.” Sustainability was the driving force behind the building’s form, material selection and construction methods. The long and narrow footprint of the building is a sustainable feature that allows natural light to reach all interior spaces. With this shape and the integration of strategically located clerestory windows – windows placed high up on the wall – the interior receives an abundance of ambient natural light. The relationship between the windows and roof overhangs allows the building to control heat gain during different times of the year. These roof overhangs allow sunlight to help heat the building during the winter, but block the unwanted summer sun when it is higher in the sky. The building also incorporates a Trombe wall – a concrete wall that sits behind glass designed to absorb solar energy during the day and release it throughout the night. This delayed release of heat keeps the building warm at night when its occupants are not around to generate internal heat. The idea isn’t new, as the wall design was popularized in the 1960s by a French engineer named Felix Trombe. The concept actually dates back to the 1800s. Trombe walls do not require fans or pumps to circulate warm air, since the structure itself acts as a passive temperature regulation system. Material selection and construction methods also took sustainability into consideration. The project used glue-laminated (glulam) timber for the roof assembly. Glulam timber is an engineered wood product made up of several layers of timber bonded together to form a larger piece of composite wood. Using glulam instead of steel or concrete reduces the carbon footprint of a structure, plus incurs a lower environmental cost to produce when compared to steel or concrete. When responsibly sourced, glulam uses natural resources that can be completely replenished in a matter of years. In this project, the glulam beams were left exposed to reveal this method of construction while also providing a warm interior ceiling finish. The roof assembly is completed with a prefabricated system of structural insulated panels, offering additional sustainable benefits. The prefabrication process means less construction time and a high level of precision. This precision, combined with the system’s superior insulative properties, results in a very tight, energy-efficient building envelope. From a stylistic perspective, this new branch is designed to reflect various elements of the community, specifically the materiality and rural building forms which embody the spirit of Madison community and the Friendship valley. The local reaction has been positive. Lessons Learned The project was not without challenges. Meyer found working with his local utility to activate the solar array to be a lengthy process, and he recommends choosing solar equipment based on quality rather than cost considerations. In spite of these challenges, Meyer affirms the time is right for banks to explore sustainability when building new facilities. “Take the opportunity that new construction can allow, and build your new Continued on facing page.