2020 Vol. 104 No. 6

Hoosier Banker 5 CONTENTS 12 COVER STORY A Tale of Two Leaders 20 ARTICLE SPOTLIGHT 2020 FLD Leadership Conference Josh Myers, IBA FEATURES 6 Vantage Viewpoint Amber R. Van Til, IBA 7 Chairman’s Report Lucas White, The Fountain Trust Company 8 Chairman’s Odyssey 11 IBA Calendar of Events 23 Creating a Sustainable Future Jeff Klump, K4 Architecture + Design 36 Now I Know my XYZs James G. Caliendo, PWCampbell 46 Personal Finance for the Pandemic Era Robert S. Nichols, ABA 48 Community Cornerstones Rebeca Romero Rainey, ICBA 50 Builders of Banking 51 Centennial Banks 54 IBA Five Star Member Banks GR SUMMIT 22 IBA Annual Washington Trip Dax Denton and Eric Augustus, IBA IBA INSURANCE SOLUTIONS 26 Wire Fraud Chuck Maggard, IBA Insurance Solutions HUMAN RESOURCES 28 Managing Intermittent FMLA Leave Debra A. Mastrian, SmithAmundsen LLC DIRECTORS / SENIOR MANAGEMENT 30 Last Call for LIBOR Lester Murray, The Baker Group AG BANKING 33 Connecting With the Farmer Customer Brady Brewer and Aissa D. Good, Purdue University COMPLIANCE CONNECTION 35 Auto Dealer Loan Agreements Brett J. Ashton, Krieg DeVault LLP PRODUCTS & SERVICES PROFILE 38 PSP Year-End Summary 2020 Rod Lasley, IBA PSP SHOWCASE 44 Captive Insurance Relief Joshua Miller, The KeyState Companies and Travis Holdman, KeyState Captive Management LLC INDIANA BANK & THRIFT STOCK UPDATE 52 Stock Analysis Michael A. Renninger, Renninger & Associates LLC CLOSING NOTE 66 The BankLEAD Internship Program DEPARTMENTS 19 Next-Gen Bankers Video Series 25 Anniversary Milestones 34 Taking It Easy 45 In Memory of 47 Banking Center News 56 Associate Members’ Corner 58 Banking on Community 59 From the Board Room 60 Bankers on the Move 65 Advertisers Index 12 20 22 In This Issue Statehouse Leaders IBA's Successful Virtual Washington Trip