2020 Vol. 104 No. 6

6 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2020 The year 2020 has been a bumpy ride at best. Uncertainty has become the norm. Our plans have been disrupted. Handshakes and hugs have transitioned to virtual Zoom calls. There has been much frustration, particularly for those of us in the banking industry. Can you say Paycheck Protection Program? I have come to learn, however, that almost every difficult situation yields its bright spots. One upside of the past several months has been rediscovering the gift of time. In the pre-pandemic world, most of us were running ragged, chasing overfilled schedules. Since then, we’ve been able to spend more time together and more time bettering ourselves. For me, 2020 has afforded lighthearted moments with my husband and boys. It’s given us time to play board games, watch movies, bake cookies and relax. What I value most has been the opportunity to reflect on what really matters. Closer relationships and a deeper faith are the welcomed gifts in the midst of this challenging moment. I hope you will permit me a little personal perspective in this edition of this column. 2020 also is notable for me and my family, because this is the year my father retires. Many of you know that both of my parents have long worked in the banking industry. My father, Dan Moore, is president and chairman of the board of Home Bank SB, Martinsville. My mother, Judy Moore, served as a vice president at First National Bank until her retirement in 2002. My father famously says that it should have been him who retired, because if my mother had kept working, she’d be the CEO of a major bank corporation by now. Instead, my mother chooses to dedicate herself to others by volunteering full-time, supporting and raising funds for the Magdalene House, a women’s shelter in Morgan County. Effective Dec. 31, it’s my father’s turn to retire as CEO of Home Bank, though he will remain chairman and consultant. He also will continue to serve as the chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis. For me, his retirement, as well as the retirements of several close industry friends, brings me to a moment of reflection. My father began his banking career in 1974 at Railroadmen’s Federal Savings and Loan Association of Indianapolis, then joined the Home Bank team in 1977, the year I was born. Throughout my life, he has instilled in me the leadership concept of legacy. Through his example, I learned that being a leader is not about winning or losing, but about positively impacting the lives of people within our spheres of influence. Good leaders continually ask: Are others better off for having worked with me? Did I lift up those around me? Do the people I serve sleep better at night knowing that I am looking out for their best interests? My father additionally models humility, kindness and servitude. VANTAGE VIEWPOINT Don’t Miss Out! Under his leadership, Home Bank created a gifting program that allocates 10% of bank net earnings to the community. Through this program, the bank has provided services including cancer screenings, Habitat builds, funding of Bible education, and tools to help disadvantaged individuals escape the cycle of poverty. Other traits that define Dan Moore are his playful sense of humor, his deep and abiding faith, and his love of family. He has earned many titles and awards through his 40+ years in banking, but he’ll proudly tell you that his favorite titles are those of husband, father and grandfather. He emulates everything I hold dear about the community banking industry: integrity, service to others before self, and love of community. It’s been a special honor to represent my father in my everyday tasks serving the banking community. It will continue to be for years to come, as I know that his passion for community banking doesn’t end on Dec. 31, 2020. To my mother and father, I love you both and thank you. You have been the best possible parents, and I am looking forward to a front row seat as I watch you continue to build your incredible legacy. HB Amber R. Van Til President and CEO Indiana Bankers Association avantil@indiana.bank @grbanker Mega Reimagined – New for 2020 Nov. 16-18 Indiana bankers have the opportunity to listen, learn and network with peers. Agricultural Clinic Dec. 3 Learn the latest about ag credit and finance from experts in the field. Internal Bank Audit School Dec. 8-9 Learn about regulatory hot topics while reviewing traditional audit concepts. Note that these events are being held virtually. For event updates, visit: indiana.bank/calendar