2021 Vol 105 No 2

14 MARCH / APRIL 2021 Hoosier Heartland State Bank, Crawfordsville, developed a connection plan to call and talk with thousands of customers, beginning conversations with a simple greeting: “We care about you, and we are here for you. Is there anything that we can help you with?” Additionally, the bank remains connected with its customer base through curbside service for account openings and loan closings, including Paycheck Protection Program loans. HHSB also directed some of its community service to pandemic-related needs, such as food insecurity, mental and behavioral issues, and the financial needs of struggling nonprofits. Among other community efforts, the bank has formed a partnership with the Montgomery County Community Foundation. Horizon Bank, Michigan City, decorated branches indoors and out to welcome customers back after lobbies reopened, with photos of decorations posted on the bank’s Facebook page. The bank also coordinated delivery of meals, snacks and treats to show appreciation to law enforcement and to medical workers, in addition to other donations and assistance. At year-end 2020, Horizon Bank donated $5,000 to the food pantry of Sacred Heart Parish, LaPorte, which has served 315 households and 3,115 individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Huntington National Bank, Columbus, Ohio, has been supporting small business clients through multiple endeavors, including production of “small business drives America” videos. The video series highlights small businesses in a five-state area, with specialties ranging from selling surfboards to fresh flowers, to running food establishments, to providing construction services, aviation training and more. Videos showcase business owners telling the story of their ventures and demonstrating how they maintain safety protocol throughout the pandemic. Each video ends with a tagline statement to support the featured business “and local business everywhere.” An example of an Indiana-based video is Rosie’s Place restaurant/bakery in Carmel. Indiana Trust Wealth Management, Mishawaka, produced a video to share with clients and contacts, providing hope and thanking frontline workers for their courageous service in confronting COVID-19. The video has been circulated via e-blast, blog and social media, and also picked up by WNIT-TV in a series of public television spots. Indiana Trust also has been sponsoring local and regional nonprofit initiatives, with employees additionally making contributions and donating service. In December, Indiana Trust donated $50,000 to food banks in northern and central Indiana impacted by the pandemic, with funds split equally between the Food Bank of Northern Indiana, South Bend, and the Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Muncie. Jackson County Bank, Seymour, sponsored Not Every Hero Wears a Cape, a campaign through Schneck Medical Center bringing “bottomless” baskets of supplies – refilled whenever emptied – to local healthcare, police, fire, EMS and other frontline workers. JCB also partnered with the Schneck Foundation and donated matching funds on Giving Tuesday, helping to raise $121,000 for the purchase of sanitizing units for the hospital. Additionally, the bank made donations to local food pantries from Jeans Day fundraisers, raising more than $5,000 over six months. Hoosier Heartland State Bank staff members display items collected for “freedom box” care package items to send to troops. From left are: Sandy Webb, Kader Lillard, Kathy Addler, Chasity Surface and Blake Jasheway. Cheerful hearts and flowers create a welcome back message at the Wanatah branch of Horizon Bank. Debbi Bourgerie of Rosie’s Place explains in a Huntington National Bank video how her business safely provides a sense of community. To view, click on the photo in HB Digital or visit: huntington.com/ landing-pages/business-banking/support-local. INDIANA TRUST SALUTES THE UNSUNG HEROES IN THE BATTLE AGAINST COVID-19 An Indiana Trust Wealth Management video salutes unsung heroes in the battle against COVID-19. To view, click on the photo in HB Digital, or visit the company website at indtrust.com. Marvin Veatch, president/CEO of Jackson County Bank, displays signage for the Not Every Hero Wears a Cape campaign.