2021 Vol 105 No 2

26 MARCH / APRIL 2021 Midwest Agricultural Banking School 2020 Brady Brewer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Purdue University brewer94@purdue.edu AG BANKING The 2020 Midwest Agricultural Banking School was held Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school was moved to an online format. Four students completed the online school: one from Indiana, one from Michigan, and two from Ohio. The school consisted of the three back-to-back days of instruction, with the fourth day being the Agricultural Clinic. Because the format was moved online, students participated in four virtual sessions that were spread out over the course of a week. The school is designed to help further the education of bankers and others involved in the field of agricultural finance. Classwork features the practical aspects of agricultural credit and finance. The curriculum includes the six core modules developed in cooperation with the Kansas and Nebraska bankers associations’ schools of banking, plus sessions on the Farm Service Agency loan program, the commodity price support program, environmental audits, marketing alternatives used by producers, land acquisition and rental arrangements, crop insurance, and building customer relationships. Faculty members include academics, bankers and other agricultural professionals. Each instructor is carefully selected, with the selection based on knowledge and presentation skills. Purdue Agricultural Economist Brady Brewer served as director of the 2020 school, and Laurie Rees, vice president-education & training for the Indiana Bankers Association, served as registrar. Dates for the 2021 school are tentatively set for Nov. 29 through Dec. 2, and information will be distributed by the IBA in early fall. Contact Brady Brewer at 765494-4324, bebrewer@purdue.edu, or Laurie Rees at 317333-7140, lrees@indiana.bank, for more information about the 2021 Midwest Agricultural Banking School. Congratulations to the graduates of the 2020 Midwest Agricultural Banking School, including two associates of IBA-member banks: Josh Evenson of First Farmers Bank & Trust Co., Converse; and Kirk Keiser of Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Archbold, Ohio. HB Learn the latest about agricultural credit and finance with top-in-field experts at Purdue University. Click on the icon in HB Digital for more information and latest updates, or go to: indiana.bank/calendar Midwest Ag Banking School West Lafayette NOV. 29DEC. 2