2021 Vol 105 No 2

52 MARCH / APRIL 2021 Rebeca Romero Rainey President and CEO Independent Community Bankers of America @romerorainey Community Banks Serving the needs of their communities As the calendar flipped to 2021, we didn’t magically return to a simpler, pre-pandemic era, unfortunately. We are still grappling with a global health crisis and a hefty amount of ambiguity around what comes next. Amid such uncertainty, it’s easy to focus on what we don’t know. But, as community bankers, we have a North Star in our mission, and we can find consistency in what we know to be true in this rapidly changing world: Community banks serve the needs of their communities. Our goal at Independent Community Bankers of America is to pave the way for you to do just that, by creating and promoting an environment where community banks can flourish. With a new administration in the White House and a new Congress, know that we continue to fight on your behalf in Washington in 2021. We are working toward a level playing field, advocating for regulatory flexibility as we manage the impact of COVID-19 on communities and portfolios, and continuing to promote and differentiate the business model of community banking and its importance to this country. Because in today’s landscape, our business model is more important than ever. Based on personal connections and relationships, it speaks to the needs of our society today. And, while relationships may look different in a virtual world, the links they create between people hold firm. No matter if you’re serving your customers in a lobby, on the phone or via a web chat feature, you are working hard to exceed their expectations. And ICBA walks beside you on that journey. For example, we know that innovation – both for your customer experience and your internal processes – allows your bank to introduce new products and services. In January we launched the ICBA ThinkTECH Accelerator 3.0 to present you with community bankcentered fintech offerings. Beyond innovation, ICBA strives to support you and your teams as you expand your knowledge and connection with one another. To that point, we offered a new virtual event in early March called ICBA Connect. While we weren’t able to come together in person, we’ve reimagined our annual convention to bring you new opportunities to learn, network and engage with colleagues. So, while this early 2021 environment remains tumultuous, I encourage you to focus on the stability in your continuous attention to the needs of your communities. You have unwavering dedication to those you serve, and that remains true no matter the circumstances. HB FEATURE