2021 Vol 105 No 2

58 MARCH / APRIL 2021 IBA Board Review Meet the president of the FLD Dear IBA Members, I participated in my first IBA Board meeting in January, and I can tell it’s going to be an exciting year. I feel fortunate to learn and grow in the banking industry and am continually impressed by the many high-quality individuals working in our industry. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve as the IBA’s Future Leadership Division president this year. After graduating from Manchester University and working in public accounting with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Indianapolis, I began my banking career as the controller at Crossroads Bank in my hometown of Wabash. I then became the chief financial officer with responsibilities in accounting, compliance, deposit operations, human resources and information technology. This career has taught me that I can’t know everything. I won’t ever have it all figured out. The business of banking can be complex, and I’ve been so fortunate to have exceptional leaders to work alongside. Over the last year, I have come to respect my colleagues in banking even more. It’s true that we all need one blanket apology for everything we said during COVID-19, but the ability to overcome has been impressive. I have been especially proud of the way our industry facilitated much-needed relief to small businesses. It underscores the importance of community banks. My parents are small business owners. They started a veterinary practice when I was in elementary school. I had a front row seat to observe business ownership, and it was defined by self-sacrifice, endless responsibilities, satisfaction in a job well done and, perhaps most importantly, courage. Each year I continue to build my resume by riding along with my dad. My responsibilities include recording tag numbers, re-inking the tattoo gun, filling the syringe, holding the tail, bringing snacks and staying out of the way. Yes, I have accidentally dewormed myself and had my hand in the business end of a cow! HB Digital: Click to view a biography of Emily Boardman, or visit indiana. bank/about. Casey, Emily and Colleen Boardman volunteered at a First Friday community event in Wabash last July. Banking really is about the stories of others – people who have the courage to start something new, set goals or accomplish lifelong dreams. We’re here simply to lend some expertise, fill a gap and support others. As FLD president this year, I hope to help others discover their role in this industry, and how success is more about those around you than it is about yourself. This summer my husband Jeremy and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary. We lack much of an identity outside our two children. Casey is 15 with interests in running, mountain biking, robotics and woodworking. Over the summer of 2020 he bought and sold several vintage bikes. Colleen is 13 and codes for her junior high robotics team. She also enjoys dance, art and basketball. Together, we love to camp. Our favorite spots are along Lake Michigan or Gulf Shores, Alabama. This time of year, I dream of reading in my hammock or on the beach! Thank you again for your contributions to the banking industry and the many ways you support the stories that build great communities. HB Emily Boardman IBA Future Leadership Division President Indiana Bankers Association Chief Financial Officer Crossroads Bank, Wabash