2021 Vol 105 No 3

Hoosier Banker 5 CONTENTS 12 COVER STORY Together Again Josh Myers, IBA 16 ARTICLE SPOTLIGHT Bank Exam Prep Center Rod Lasley, IBA FEATURES 6 Vantage Viewpoint Amber R. Van Til, IBA 7 Chairman’s Report Michael S. Zahn, First Federal Savings Bank 8 IBA 2020 Member Benefits Report 11 IBA Calendar of Events 39 The More Things Change... Rebeca Romero Rainey, ICBA 40 Consistent ‘Rules of the Road’ Robert S. Nichols, ABA SALES / MARKETING 18 High-Touch Coaching Tony Cole, Anthony Cole Training Group LLC PSP SHOWCASE 20 Providing Stability Shawn M. Norris, NFP COMPLIANCE CONNECTION 22 Interviewing a Candidate Brett J. Ashton and Charles O. Richert, Krieg DeVault LLP IBA INSURANCE SOLUTIONS 24 HELOC Accounts Chuck Maggard, IBA Insurance Solutions DIRECTORS / SENIOR MANAGEMENT 26 Riding the Liquidity Waves Dale Sheller, The Baker Group 34 Capital Raising for Community Banks Michael J. Messaglia, Krieg DeVault LLP 42 Triaging Your Institution Earl Charneske, PCBB 50 The Loyalty Factor Achim Griesel and Sean Payant, Haberfeld AG BANKING 28 Carbon Credits Brady Brewer, Purdue University HUMAN RESOURCES 30 COVID-19 Long-Haulers Debra A. Mastrian, SmithAmundsen LLC INDIANA BANK & THRIFT STOCK UPDATE 32 Stock Analysis Michael A. Renninger, Renninger & Associates LLC PRODUCTS & SERVICES PROFILE 36 Credit Card Rewards Rod Lasley, IBA LENDING / CREDIT 44 Our Credit Lives on Main Street David Ruffin, IntelliCredit CLOSING NOTE 58 IBA Board Review Kent A. Liechty, First Bank of Berne DEPARTMENTS 23 Taking It Easy 27 Anniversary Milestones 29 From the Board Room 33 Banking Center News 33 In Memory of 41 Honorable Mentions 46 Associate Members Corner 48 Banking on Community 52 Bankers on the Move 57 Advertisers Index 12 16 58 In This Issue Reconnect at the IBA Annual Convention. “I have a mission statement.” Knowledge is power.