2021 Vol 105 No 3

Hoosier Banker 9 Scholarships Awarded 1 $1500 FUNDED 14 Member Awards Presented COMMUNICATIONS s 10 Leaders in Banking Excellence s Woman of the Year s Woman on the Rise s 2 Commitment to Community 5 IBA Publications Hoosier Banker E-News Directory of Financial Institutions IBA Insighter Commitment to Community Videos Videos Added 9 Google Groups Member e-platform for idea-sharing 17 Future Leadership Division Members 413 Student Applicants 21 BankLEAD Internship Program FLD Focus NEXT-GEN BANKERS 1241 Followers 2359 Followers 2342 Followers 338 Followers Next-Gen Banker Videos4 FLD ATTENDEES 0 20 40 60 80 100 55 s 96 s 59 s FLD Coffee Club Leadership Conference Day at the Statehouse BANKING MINORS 2 ESTABLISHED OP-EDS Published 2 General News Releases 9