2021 Vol 105 No 3

IBA Board of Directors 4
In This Issue 5
Vantage Viewpoint 6
Chairman's Report 7
Notable Quotes 7
IBA Member Benefits Report 2020 8
Calendar of Events 11
Together Again Grab your seat, it’s time to meet 12
Associate Member Publication Opportunities 15
Bank Exam Prep Center 16
High-Touch Coaching In a high-tech world 18
Providing Stability In a time of uncertainty 20
Interviewing a Candidate Who breaches fiduciary duty 22
Taking it Easy 23
HELOC Accounts A fraudster’s target 24
Riding the Liquidity Waves 26
Anniversary Milestones 27
Carbon Credits The new cash crop 28
From hte Board Room 29
COVID-19 Long-Haulers 30
Stock Analysis Review as of March 31, 2021 32
Banking Center News 33
Im Memory Of 33
Capital Raising for Community Banks Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic 34
Credit Card Rewards That enhance your credit card offering 36
The More Things Change... Community banks stay the course 39
Consistent ‘Rules of the Road’ Requirement for a robust recovery 40
Honorable mentions 41
Triaging Your Institution For credit and liquidity health 42
Our Credit Liveson Main Street Not on Wall Street! 44
Associate Member Corner 46
Welcome New Members 47
IBA Annual Convention 47
Banking On Community 48
The Loyalty Factor: Translating relationships into noninterest income 50
Bankers on the Move 52
Alliance Junior Board Visits Supply Company 57
Advertiser Index 57
IBA Board Review 58