2021 Vol 105 No 4

14 JULY / AUGUST 2021 ed volunteer portal where associates can find volunteer opportunities and can log volunteer hours. Centier seeks to not only donate funds, but also give staff time and talents to benefit those in need. By providing incentives like paid time off, volunteerism is encouraged. Whether through traditional banking or philanthropy, the bank strives to create holistic impact, making its communities better places to live, work and play. Bank of America, Indianapolis, believes that the true story of banking is to provide communities with the lending, investing and giving they need to remain vibrant and vital. In determining how to achieve the highest impact with its financial investments, the bank works with community leaders and bank employees to develop an understanding of the community’s needs and resources, then uses the information gathered to develop a strategic plan for philanthropic investment. This evolving plan has a particular focus on racial equity and economic mobility. Organizations funded by the bank include Boys & Girls Clubs, Christamore House, Gleaners, 100 Black Men and the Eskenazi Foundation, to which the bank granted $100,000 to help the hospital care for vulnerable populations at the onset of the pandemic. Many Bank of America employees are involved in local nonprofit boards and committees, in addition to volunteering with community organizations during their personal time. First Bank Richmond is committed to being an integral partner to the communities that it serves. The bank has identified four key areas of need that it dedicates unwavering support and commitment to: education, financial literacy, physical and mental health, and the fostering of local not-for-profit organizations and their initiatives. In 2020, First Bank Richmond donated more than $500,000 to local not-for-profit organizations. In addition, more than 60% of staff served on a board or a committee of local not-for-profit organizations. The bank has also implemented an ongoing marketing campaign titled “Doing Great Things Together,” which highlights local not-for-profit organization partners through billboards, print advertising, in-branch signage and a mission video. First Bank Richmond is dedicated to fostering a work environment that encourages employee philanthropy. This culture is cultivated internally through employee participation during operating hours, ongoing training and development, fundraising to support local not-for-profit organizations initiatives, and offering incentives to increase employee participation, collaboration and engagement. First Farmers Bank & Trust Company, Converse, believes that community stability is the central role of its organization. In the dire circumstances of 2020, the bank’s role was to engage the community, assess and prioritize the most critical needs, and be proactive to support those individuals, businesses and organizations that needed assistance. The bank implemented a COVID-19 relief program, Growing Good, to supplement the annual large corporate support programs and local branch appropriation efforts that remained in place. In 2020, the bank doubled its efforts to assure that it fully engaged its communities in providing needed assistance for emergent services and financial support for organizations in financial crisis. Staff engagement is of key importance in all of the bank’s efforts, as the respective branches have significant input and discretionary ability in selecting local support efforts. The overwhelming positive attitude and outstanding participation of bank employees in 2020 allowed the organization to be dynamic in assisting a variety of efforts. First Bank Richmond Bank of America First Farmers Bank & Trust Company