2021 Vol 105 No 4

Hoosier Banker 19 Laura Wilson Vice President - Communications Indiana Bankers Association lwilson@indiana.bank @laurawilsonindy Next year marks a milestone for the Indiana Bankers Association as it celebrates its 125th anniversary, or quasquicentennial. Founded in 1897, the IBA has maintained continuous service to Indiana banks through good times and bad, withstanding wars, droughts, economic downturns and two pandemics. Throughout each challenge, the industry has emerged stronger and more resilient. As a member-driven organization, it is appropriate for the IBA to recognize not only its own history, but that of each member bank. The history of every member institution is intertwined with the success of the Association, which was formed for the express purpose of serving the Indiana banking community. The IBA will be reaching out shortly to member banks to engage in the year-long celebration. Preparation is underway and is continuing in earnest in order to be ready for the anniversary rollout in January. Following is a summary of what to expect in 2022. First, however, thank you to five banking volunteers who served on the IBA 125 Year Anniversary Task Force. These professionals were instrumental in sharing creative ideas and concepts to help form plans for 2022: Jane Balsmeyer, German American Bank, Jasper Ashley Bice, Alliance Bank, Francesville W. Steven Kidwell, Riddell National Bank, Brazil Susan B. Richwine, First Bank Richmond Carla Smith, Garrett State Bank Celebration Plans for 2022 The IBA 125-year anniversary celebration will be taking place in three primary contexts: • Social media campaign. Starting in January, a series of 125 social media posts will count down to a celebration scheduled at the Annual Convention. Posts will showcase historic photos and tidbits, with a post dedicated to each member bank. A designated hashtag will invite engagement from IBA members while providing continuity. • Annual Convention. The opening chairman’s banquet of the 2022 annual meeting will celebrate the anniversary with a variety of presentations, photo displays and a custom-created video. For those unable to attend, elements of the evening’s celebration and video can be shared via social media and other IBA communications. • Hoosier Banker. The November/December 2022 issue of IBA’s flagship publication will be a keepsake edition dedicated to the 125th anniversary. Special features are to include a timeline and historical data, quotes and commentary from current and past banking leaders, a digital link to the anniversary video, and a living history of IBA-member banks. Logo Update in 2022 Additionally, plans for next year include a refresh of the IBA logo in three phases: 1. An anniversary tagline will be added to the current logo at the start of 2022; 2. An updated logo will debut at the 2022 Mega Conference, retaining the tagline; 3. The tagline will drop off at year-end, launching the new logo going forward. As brief background, the current logo was created in 2007 following the merger of the IBA and the Community Bankers Association of Indiana. Each element of the logo represents features of both organizations blending into a unified entity. Next year’s logo refresh will signify IBA’s readiness to lead into the future. What to Expect Next In coming months, please be on the lookout for various communications from the IBA, as we seek information and photos that tell your bank’s unique story in the history of the industry. Our goal is to honor the institutions we serve as we celebrate IBA’s history. There will be announcements in IBA E-News and social media about the celebration, as well as emails, letters and phone calls to bank leaders. A newly created webpage at indiana.bank/history provides a webform for member banks to upload materials. As we approach the year 2022 and this landmark anniversary, please let me know how I can be of service in helping to connect your bank with the celebration. I can be reached at lwilson@indiana. bank, 317-333-7146, and I look forward to working with you. HB Past editions of Hoosier Banker summarized milestone years of service of the Indiana Bankers Association.