2021 Vol 105 No 4

36 JULY / AUGUST 2021 PRODUCTS & SERVICES PROFILE Flexibility, Consistency and Profitability A winning formula for TCI Rod Lasley Executive Vice President - Operations & Member Services Indiana Bankers Association rlasley@indiana.bank @rodlasley Title Center of Indiana LLC is a Preferred Service Provider of the Indiana Bankers Association. The year 2020 taught us many things about the way we do business. It was also a tremendous year for mortgages and mortgage closings. This combination was a challenge that Title Center of Indiana fully embraced and succeeded in being flexible, while still providing consistent, complete and accurate documentation for those numerous mortgage closings. Just as your bank worked diligently to meet the needs of your customers, TCI continuously pursued workarounds and ways to meet the needs of its clients. Banks that are owners of TCI know they have access to timely and accurate title documentation, as well as professional and mobile closings. This flexibility allows them to better assist the ever-changing needs of their customers. While these attributes are crucial to a successful relationship, additional noninterest income is also a welcomed addition to your bank’s bottom line, and Title Center of Indiana continues to provide the opportunity to gain that additional income. Indiana banks that have ownership interest in TCI can not only boost their income, but also are able to provide quality personal service to their customers. By owning a piece of a title company, your bank has valuable input into the success of the company by generating title work and closing activity on your loan requests. With quick turnaround time on title work and timely closings by qualified closers or even your own bank personnel, you can better serve your customers by simplifying stressful transactions. Investors Title Insurance Company, the underwriter for TCI, is based in North Carolina and serves several states throughout the country. It continues to demonstrate tremendous financial strength and an excellent ability to meet claims obligations. TCI is currently owned by 15 Indiana banks, along with Investors Title Insurance Company and the Indiana Bankers Association. While bank ownership within Title Center of Indiana has seen a slight decline due to merger-and-acquisition activity, TCI remains strong and continues to provide a quality final product while meeting your customer’s closing needs. Linda Givens, TCI’s marketing officer, meets with bank personnel on a regular basis to provide support, answer questions about processes or transaction status, and address regulatory changes in the mortgage industry. In meeting with loan operations teams, Linda is able to build and strengthen the relationship between TCI and the owner bank’s personnel. This commitment by TCI further solidifies the connection between TCI and its owners. In turn, the volume of transactions processed through the agency increases, as well as the profitability of the agency and its owners. TCI currently has offices in Columbus and Warsaw, providing quality service with its knowledgeable and courteous staff. Karen Barnett manages the TCI/ Investors Title relationship and continues to meet with prospective bank owners around the state. Karen has been with Investors since 2007, leading the sales efforts and managing the title companies in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. A native of Ohio with more than 20 years of industry experience, Karen relates well to the Midwest and the Indiana banking community. As your bank continues to seek noninterest income and better ways to serve and connect with your customer, consider ownership in Title Center of Indiana. Let TCI review your loan activity and provide you with an analysis of how it can add to your institution. For details about TCI and its offerings, please contact me, Rod Lasley, at rlasley@indiana.bank, 317-387-9380, or Karen Barnett at kbarnett@invtitle.com, 419-577-5900. HB