2021 Vol 105 No 5

Hoosier Banker 23 Dax Denton Senior Vice President - Government Relations Indiana Bankers Association ddenton@indiana.bank @ibagovrelations of the Farm Credit System and credit unions, opposition to a proposal that would require banks to make additional IRS reporting of customer data, and closing the industrial loan company loophole. Bankers also thanked House members who voted in support of the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act and encouraged senators to support the act should it receive a vote in the Senate. Business meetings began the morning of Monday, July 19, with briefings from experts from the American Bankers Association and the Independent Community Bankers of America. Following were meetings with the Department of the Treasury, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, FDIC Chair Jelena McWilliams and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. After a long day of meeting with regulators, attendees enjoyed dinner at the Capitol Hill Club, joined by Sen. Mike Braun, Rep. Jim Banks, Rep. Jackie Walorski and Rep. Victoria Spartz. Tuesday, July 20, was devoted to lobbying the members of the Indiana congressional delegation on the issues important to the industry. Bankers were persistent with their messaging on policy items and provided action items for the delegation to support the industry. The trip ended with an evening at the Washington Nationals ballpark, where the home team won. Overall, there are certainly challenges that face the industry in the policy arena, but our members were thorough in educating lawmakers about complex banking issues. On the heels of the pandemic and the hard work demonstrated by banks to help their customers and communities access critical Paycheck Protection Program loans, the timing of this trip was optimum. A recurring theme from regulators and legislators was appreciation for the support banks provided customers in their time of need. I would like to thank all of our members who attended the IBA Annual Washington Trip. We recognize the sacrifice of being away from your banks and your families to participate in this signature event for the Indiana banking community. The banking industry is better served by your involvement, and we thank you for that. HB