2021 Vol 105 No 5

Hoosier Banker 45 < JOHN TANSELLE < DEBRA MASTRIAN < STEPHEN STITLE < MARTHA LEHMAN LARRY TOMLIN > MARK WENZEL > BRANDT HARDY > 201 North Illinois Street, Suite 1400 Capital Center, South Tower • Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-4212 T: 317.464.4100 • F: 317.464.4101 • salawus.com No challenge too great…we’ll get you there. CARRIE HILL > < MADALYN KINSEY < KEITH MUNDRICK The information in this article is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or an opinion of any kind. You should consult with legal counsel for advice on your institution’s specific legal issues. forth what the employee must do in terms of prior authorization, limits, and procedures for reimbursement. Indiana does not have any such requirement. If an Indiana employer, however, has employees working in another state, including remote employees working from home, the employer must comply with the expense reimbursement laws of the state where the employee works. Therefore, it is important for employers to review their expense reimbursement policies to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. Even though employers in many states, including Indiana, are not legally required to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket expenses (except for the minimum wage exception noted above), most employers do reimburse their employees for reasonable and necessary expenses, including travel expenses incurred when remote employees travel to the home office for training, or for meetings or other business purposes. Requiring attendance at training sessions, meetings or other business functions, but not covering reasonable expenses, often leads to resentment or bad feelings. Employers may pick and choose which remote employees are required or permitted to travel, including for in-person training, as long as the decisions are based on reasonable distinctions (legitimate business reasons), and those distinctions are not based on any legally protected characteristics (e.g., sex, race, color, gender identity). Employers that allow remote work arrangements should: have a remote working policy; require remote workers to sign remote work agreements (addressing expenses, among other provisions); and update (or put into place) expense reimbursement policies, taking into consideration any changes that need to be made in light of remote working arrangements and applicable law. HB Cybersecurity Conference Learn from industry experts to heighten awareness of cyber issues and trends. Click on the icon in HB Digital or go to: indiana.bank/calendar. Carmel SEPT. 2930