2022 Vol. 106 No. 6

Hoosier Banker 27 A graduate of the University of Indianapolis, the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and the Graduate School of Banking, she has completed the Lacy Leadership LEAD program and earned a certificate of executive leadership from the University of Wisconsin School of Business. Under Van Til’s leadership, the IBA has helped member banks prepare for next-generation needs. Accomplishments in this arena include helping establish banking minors in Indiana – a first in the state’s history – at Purdue University Northwest and Ball State University. The IBA also created the BankLEAD Internship Program to provide handson banking internship experience to college-level students. In 2017, the IBA inaugurated its Banking on Women conference that now attracts 400+ attendees. In alignment with the Tell the Story pillar of the 2018-2020 strategic plan, the IBA initiated several awards to recognize member accomplishments, as well as to publicize good news about banking to the public. For example, each year the IBA shares through social media all of the bank nominations for the Commitment to Community award, helping to tell the story of bank service to community. Additional legislative victories took place in this decade. In 2017, the IBA GR Team advocated successfully for passage of bills protecting appropriate lender notification when collateral is at risk through selling of personal property – plus amendments to allow lenders to deliver trust documentation electronically and to extend the state income tax filing deadline beyond the federal income filing deadline. On a national scope, S. 2155 – the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act – was passed in 2018, a significant banking regulatory reform bill. The Indiana banking community helped lobby for this regulatory relief legislation by urging members of Congress to vote for passage of the bill. 2020-2022 The start of 2020 will long be remembered for the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though it was the first pandemic of this generation, it was not the first for the banking industry, which had survived the pandemic of 1918 and was well-equipped to rise to the challenges of COVID-19. In response to the pandemic, the banking industry nationwide worked tirelessly to meet the needs of customers and communities, particularly through the Paycheck Protection Program. In Indiana, bank participation in the PPP provided approximately $10 billion to Hoosier small businesses during the COVID-19 shutdown. To maintain connections among members during this time, the IBA created an IMPACT Players program, “Industry Makers Pledging Assistance, Cooperation & Togetherness.” This endeavor, which won an award from the Indiana Society of Association Executives, gave high-level recognition to associate members that provided substantial support to the IBA that helped keep the Association fiscally strong. The IBA also kept members informed and connected during the pandemic by sending out some 150 emails, hosting 64 CEO peer FirstBankofBerne.com CONGRATULATIONS TO THE INDIANA BANKERS ASSOCIATION ON 125 YEARS! Thanks for the years of leadership and providing a voice for the Indiana banking community! (Continued on page 28.)