2022 Vol. 106 No. 6

28 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2022 group calls, creating a pandemic-specific Google Group, establishing a COVID-19 webpage and launching two e-publications to address related topics. The IBA also helped keep the public informed by distributing a dozen news releases addressing PPP loans, coin circulation and other issues. This messaging helped quell fears while demonstrating the commitment of member banks to maintaining the financial wellbeing of Hoosiers and Indiana’s economy. Legislatively, the most important bill for the IBA in 2020 was HEA 1109, a bill that addressed two problems that had arisen from bills passed during the 2019 session. HEA 1109 reaffirmed that Indiana businesses were not required to register with the attorney general’s office for simply soliciting business via telephone contact. It also included language to repeal a prior law restricting how credit reports were furnished if certain data inputs were incorrect. In 2021, the Indiana Statehouse passed two bills as emergency declarations, fast-tracking their enactment to mid-February rather than July 1. SEA 1, Civil Immunity Related to COVID-19, provided protection against COVID-19-related lawsuits, especially relevant to banks as essential businesses. The other emergency declaration bill of 2021 was HEA 1056, Recording Requirements. This bill was a key IBA priority, as it fixed the second-witness requirement to record instruments that arose from the interpretation of the language change from “or” to “and” in SEA 340 from the prior year’s session. The previous bill had created disruption in the real estate marketplace. In 2022, the passage of SEA 371 gave lenders ease of mind with protections regarding the sunsetting of the LIBOR interest rate. SEA 408 enabled state-chartered institutions to participate in deals using the recent Office of the Comptroller of the Currency tax credit investment rules without the need for prior approval from the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions. 125-Year Anniversary Status In this anniversary year of the IBA, members can be assured that the Association continues to provide multiple opportunities to members in a variety of capacities. Each year the IBA provides more than 850 seminars, webinars, schools, conferences and forums, reaching approximately 4,300 bankers. In the area of products and services, the IBA connects member banks with more than 180 associate members, all of which are reviewed and approved by the IBA Board of Directors. In the arena of communications, the IBA produces videos, distributes e-publications, sends news releases and op-eds to media, and connects with members and the public through social media posts. In August, the IBA received the Governor’s Century Business Award in recognition of the Association’s longevity and service to the community and state. Recognition was courtesy of Gov. Eric J. Holcomb and Indiana Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers. Additionally, Gov. Holcomb wrote a letter of congratulations to the IBA in honor of its 125-year anniversary. Both the Century Award and the governor’s letter are shown in this edition of Hoosier Banker on pages 30-31. 2006 FLD representation added to the IBA Board of Directors in capacity as Future Leadership Division President 2013 Leadership Development Program created to help the next generation of banking leaders reach their full potential 2013 FLD Leadership Conference created to provide growth opportunities to Future Leadership Division members Mega Conference networking reception initiated to provide networking opportunities for FLD members 2015 FLD Day at the Statehouse created to engage Future Leadership Division members with grassroots advocacy 2017 *0( MRMXMEXIH ƤVWX RIX[SVOMRK PYRGLISRW XS GSRRIGX *YXYVI Leadership Division members 2017 IBA partnered with BankTalentHQ, a talent management website, to help attract talent to the industry 2018 Next-Gen pillar included in the IBA 2018-2020 strategic plan 2018 BankLEAD Internship Program established to connect top college students with IBA-member banks 2019 Banking concentration studies created at Purdue University Northwest 2019 IBA Annual Washington Trip Scholarship created for Leadership Development Program participants 2019 FLD 2 LDP Scholarship set for Future Leadership Division members to attend the Leadership Development Program 2019 &IXXIV-R&EROMRK ƥ]IV HIZIPSTIH XS LIPT EXXVEGX JYXYVI talent to the banking industry 2020 Next-Gen channel added to IBA website at indiana.bank/next-gen 2020 Banking minors established at Purdue University Northwest and Ball State University 2020 FLD Coffee Club created for virtual networking among Future Leadership Division members 2020 FLD Spotlight Opportunities established a source of leadership articles and resources on the FLD webpage 2022 Next-Gen pillar featured and enhanced in IBA 2022-2024 strategic plan as Next-Level Banking Talent Stepping into the future, the IBA has developed a new aspirational statement and logo to debut in 2023, as detailed in an article on page 36. The directors, officers and staff of the IBA look forward to working with the Indiana banking community in the years to come. HB Next-Gen Initiatives to Attract/Retain Talent