2022 Vol. 106 No. 6

Hoosier Banker 51 cymakers in several comment letters and testimonies over the last year, our view is that no such case exists—for every problem that proponents say a CBDC could solve, the fact is that there are already solutions available that don’t involve a government-created currency. Financial inclusion is just one example: Banks are already making great strides to bring more unbanked households into the financial system by offering Bank On-certified accounts. Not only would a CBDC be duplicative of private-sector solutions that already exist, but it also has the potential to have an incredibly damaging effect on bank balance sheets and the flow of credit to households and businesses if the Federal Reserve were to become a competitor for bank deposits. All of these ongoing debates underscore an urgent need for a fair, well-calibrated regulatory framework for digital assets—one that promotes responsible innovation while minimizing systemic risk and protecting consumers. And that’s a framework we’ll continue to fight for. HB First Merchants Bank would like to say, “Thank you.” Thank you for 125 years of service, of education, of advocacy. Thank you for 125 years of guiding Indiana banks towards the highest levels of achievement. Thank you for uniting people with different goals, aspirations, and backgrounds so that, together, we can change our state for the better. We look forward to spending the next 125 years with you as we partner to help our communities prosper. www.firstmerchants.com CONGRATULATIONS INDIANA BANKERS ASSOCIATION BANKING CENTER NEWS Kentland Bank held the Grand Opening of its newly built branch at the southeast corner of the town square in May. The ribbon cutting was held with representatives from Kentland Bank opened its new branch in April 2022, with a grand opening in May. K4 Construction, Newton County Economic Development, the town of Kentland and the community. The event was open to the public. HB