2022 Vol. 106 No. 6

6 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2022 As 2022 winds down and we prepare for 2023, I am struck by just how much is going on in the banking industry. Though in my 20 years working with bankers, I also can’t think of a time when there wasn’t. From the return of community infrastructure improvement districts next year to Central Bank Digital Currency and forced access legislation, there’s plenty to tackle, but as my dad says, “bankers are pretty resilient,” and that is especially true in Indiana where we have such a strong community among our banks. Speaking of my father, I’d like to congratulate him on being named a Sagamore of the Wabash by Gov. Eric J. Holcomb. He was surprised with the presentation at Annual Convention in September by Indiana Senate President Pro Tempore Rodric Bray and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis. He has always been an inspiration to me, and it was truly a special moment to see him recognized so highly by his peers. IBA Chairman Garry D. Kleer was also named a Sagamore of the Wabash at Convention. Kip White, chairman and CEO of The Fountain Trust Company, received the honor in October in conjunction with his 50th anniversary with the bank. I would be remiss if I did not also recognize Laura Wilson. After 35 years as IBA’s vice president of communications, she is ready for a wellearned retirement at the end of the year. Thank you, Laura, for making all of us sound and look good! Be sure to read her Closing Note at the back of this issue. We’ve spent the year recognizing the contributions of the association, our member-banks, their employees and more, not only to the industry but also to their communities. You can find many of these examples on social media with the hashtag #IBA125Years and on the VANTAGE VIEWPOINT Don’t Miss Out! IBA website at indiana.bank/history. Just a few examples: % Family Leadership: There are seven examples of a father and son or two brothers who both served as volunteer leader of the IBA or one of its predecessor organizations, most recently Stephen E. Zahn who chaired the Indiana League of Savings Institutions 1996-97, followed by his son Michael S. Zahn serving as IBA chairman last year. % National Leaders: Two IBA-member bank employees have served as head of the American Bankers Association, one chaired the former America’s Community Bankers and Lucas White of The Fountain Trust Company is in line to chair the Independent Community Bankers of America in 2024. % Expanding Education: In 1997, our centennial year, we offered 80 educational sessions reaching 3,000 bankers. Thanks in part to the evolution of online education, we offered 830 educational sessions last year, reaching 4,300 bankers. There is another statistic that is hard to ignore: our membership has decreased by 91 banks over the past 25 years due to mergers and acquisitions. It is a trend across the country that will only continue. As the industry becomes increasingly competitive, the IBA is ready to provide the tools needed for our member-banks to succeed well into the future. Whether you’re looking at business, professional development or advocacy, we represent a resilient industry – and we do it with an immense amount of pride. HB Amber R. Van Til President and CEO Indiana Bankers Association avantil@indiana.bank @grbanker 50th Midwest Agricultural Banking School Nov. 28-Dec. 1 • West Lafayette 0IEVR XLI PEXIWX EFSYX EK GVIHMX ERH ƤRERGI EX Purdue University. Economic Outlook Luncheon Dec. 2 • Carmel Join us at the Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel to learn about what to expect in the economic landscape for 2023. -&% 0IKMWPEXMZI &VMIƤRK 6IGITXMSR Jan. 31, 2023 • Indianapolis Meet face-to-face with Indiana lawmakers at the Hyatt Regency downtown to discuss issues of the day. For event updates, visit: indiana.bank/calendar A cake at Annual Convention in September celebrating the IBA’s 125th anniversary.