2022 Vol. 106 No. 6

Hoosier Banker 67 This article was originally published in the September 2016 issue of Hoosier Banker. It was reprinted here in response to a resurgence of these cases being reported to Krieg DeVault LLP. The information herein is provided for general education purposes and is not intended to be legal EHZMGI 4PIEWI GSRWYPX PIKEP GSYRWIP JSV WTIGMƤG KYMHERGI as to how this information applies to your institution’s circumstances or situation. 1 See Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Parrish, Slip Copy (2015); El Bey v. Bank of America, N.A., Not Reported in F.Supp.3d (2014); Wirsche v. Bank of America, N.A., Not Reported in F.Supp.2d (2013). 2 IN Const. Art. 1, § 3. No law shall, in any case whatever, control the free exercise and enjoyment of religious opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience. 3 U.S.C.A. Const. Amend. I. Congress shall make no law photo identification in instances where the customer can provide significant supporting documentation of another kind, do not change the name on the account, or offer to open a new account using this name. Similarly, if the person asks to simply sign a new signature card identifying themselves with the same name, but adding a semicolon and then their sovereign name, do not accommodate this request without valid government identification. If the sovereign Brett J. Ashton Kay Dee Baird John B. Baxter Julia A. Carpenter Maria M. Vladimirova Michael J. Messaglia C. Daniel Motsinger Nicole R. Finelli Michael E. Williams PARTNER PARTNER PARTNER PARTNER PARTNER SENIOR ASSOCIATE PARTNER PARTNER PARTNER 317.238.6291 bashton@kdlegal.com 317.238.6306 kbaird@kdlegal.com 317.238.6311 jbaxter@kdlegal.com 317.238.6273 jcarpenter@kdlegal.com 317.238.6374 nfinelli@kdlegal.com 317.238.6268 mvladimirova@kdlegal.com 317.238.6249 mmessaglia@kdlegal.com 317.238.6237 cmotsinger@kdlegal.com 317.238.6220 mwilliams@kdlegal.com Financial Services Team © 2022 Krieg DeVault LLP. This constitutes attorney advertising. Krieg DeVault LLP, Indianapolis, IN, is responsible for this content. Congratulations on Jeffrey L. Ledbetter OF COUNSEL 317.238.6216 jledbetter@kdlegal.com We celebrate the IBA’s 125th! Member FDIC Bath State Bank Since 1924 W.S. DuBois BSB President 1924-1971 Branden J. Logue BSB President 2019-present Bath | West College Corner | Liberty 765-732-3022 www.BathStateBank.com citizen decides to pursue their claims of religious discrimination, contact your attorney to protect your bank and employees from paper terrorism. HB respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Ind. Code §§ 24-4.4, 4.5