2022 Vol. 106 No. 6

88 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2022 BANKING ON COMMUNITY Alliance Bank, Francesville, donated $5,000 on July 8 to the expansion of the Panhandle Pathway Trail in Pulaski County. The 22-mile trail – designed for walking, hiking, running, biking and skating – follows the old railbed of the Pennsylvania Railroad line from Winamac into Cass County. Its expansion will connect Tippecanoe River State Park with France Park and is expected to help vitalize local areas. Bath State Bank is providing real-world banking experience, including financial literacy and education, job skills and mentoring opportunities to Union County High School students through its intermittent school branch facility. Bank President & CEO Branden Logue, a 1995 UCHS graduate, said his goal for the program is giving students “the knowledge to make sound financial decisions and create lifelong saving habits as they enter adulthood.” Shown at the Alliance Bank check presentation to the Panhandle Pathway are, from left: Shane Pilarski, Kelsie Zellers, Jenny Tirey and Ron Kruger, Alliance &ERO .SLR &E[GYQ ERH *VIH /EWXIR 4EXL[E] ZSPYRXIIVW ERH 2ERG] +VMJƤXL Alliance Bank. Representatives from Bath State Bank and Union County High School at a ribbon cutting ceremony in September at the bank’s intermittent school facility at UCHS in Liberty. DEPARTMENT