Pub. 108 2024 Issue 4

personal development for the betterment of yourself and others. It will have a positive impact on the relationships around you. Do not look at new and inclusive language as a burden, but as another opportunity to learn and connect. Inclusive language is an asset. Even a slight consideration of someone’s language can improve your working relationships and possibly market expansion for your bank. The language around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion can seem sensitive, triggering or even scary. The terms can lead some people to feel disrespected or nervous to say anything at all. If you approach your relationships, conversations and ultimately the language you use with sincere curiosity, it can build a sense of belonging for you and others. The next time you hear terms you don’t understand, take the childlike approach of listening first, asking questions, then determining the most effective language to use. Simply putting forth the effort of using inclusive language and broadening language access can go a long way with your employees and ultimately your customers. Marc Hardy Vice President – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Merchants Bank of Indiana At C/A’s Compliance Hub, we know where to start and we’re here when you need to circle back for clarification. We’re Compliance Alliance. or (888) 353-3933 Our banks find Compliance Hub’s services vital for situations like these. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Marc has nearly 10 years of experience in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work. Since his book ‘CAN I BE REAL’ released in 2016, Marc began delivering workshops, presentations and keynote speaking to non-profits, schools and for-profit corporations, with additional experience in leading this work in K12 education. JULY/AUGUST 2024 15