Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

2021 AIA Idaho Design Award Winner Project Description EnergySeal Headquarters, located in McCall, Idaho, is a 16,000-sf office and warehouse building designed and built for a high-performance insulation contractor. The goal of the project was to create a modern, ultra-energy-efficient building in the harsh climate of Idaho’s central mountains, where winters can exceed 10,000 heating degrees days (more than Moscow, Russia). Heating such a large space in a cold climate is costly, so to reduce long-term operating costs, the facility employs an extremely well-insulated envelope to reduce heating loads. The entire building (11,000 square feet of warehouse and 5,000 square feet of office space) will be certified to meet the PHIUS+ Passive House standard. In addition, the office space is designed to be Net-Zero with renewable energy generated onsite by a façade-mounted PV array. EnergySeal Headquarters is among the most energy-efficient building in North America, with a measured energy use intensity (EUI) after the first year of occupancy of 14.85 kBTU/sf/yr before renewable energy production. After the electricity generated by the 14.7 kW solar PV array is accounted for, the EUI becomes 12.0 kBTU/sf/yr, which allows the building to meet the 2030 Challenge 80% reduction from the baseline site EUI target. By committing to an aggressive energy target early in the planning stages, even a challenging project type such as a warehouse can result in an ultra-low energy building capable of cost-effectively reaching net-zero without overly complex and expensive mechanical renewable energy systems. Type of construction materials, mechanical systems, and any other pertinent technical information The project team achieved aggressive levels of energy efficiency by focusing on designing and executing a high-performance building enclosure that relies on super-insulation, high levels of air-tightness, and thermal bridge-free design. The building was modeled using the WUFI Passive energymodeling software to optimize the building enclosure, mechanical systems, lighting, and PV system. This detailed modeling assured that the annual heating and cooling demands Project Name: EnergySeal Headquarters Architect: VY Architecture Project Completion: August 2019 Project Location: 14037 HWY55 McCall, ID 83638 Project Type: Energy Efficiency Commercial EnergySeal Headquarters 14 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2022-23 |