Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

Legends in Our Midst: AIA Idaho Q&A With Jack Smith Jack Smith has had a long and continuing career as both a practitioner and a professor of architecture, and his peers have recognized him as a distinguished architect. We at AIA Idaho were pleased to interview him and thank him for the opportunity. Why did you become an architect? I wanted to be an architect from a very early age. I believe that architecture is first about building and second about everything else. At age 10, I gained a passion for building by working summers for my uncle, a general contractor. Later, at age 14, my cousin Max, a designer, gave me books on Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, the big three modern architects of the time. I read them all before entering college. Construction is an important teacher. As an architect, you should be able to do anything you ask a contractor to do. Gaining a passion for books and reading is critical to any education. I wanted to be an architect from a very early age. I believe that architecture is first about building and second about everything else. At age 10, I gained a passion for building by working summers for my uncle, a general contractor. House at Eagle Creek - Photo by Fred Lindholm House at Eagle Creek - Photo by Tim Brown 20 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2022-23 |