Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

needs to compromise on minor issues of pragmatics, but one should never compromise one’s principles. What type of project do you most enjoy designing? Those where I can interact with the clients on a professional and personal level. Custom residential most often fills that need. I am also interested in affordable housing in that this typology has become critical worldwide. What is your favorite project? Frank Lloyd Wright said, “My next one.” I agree. However, in 1999, my work on the House At Eagle Creek was recognized by the historical architectural society as one of the most important houses in Idaho, and the Kanzan House was awarded Best Use of Idaho Wood by AIA Idaho in 2021. Which ones will you be remembered for? I hope all of them. In 2021, the World Population Review listed Idaho as the fastest-growing state in the U.S. Do you have any suggestions for Idaho’s architects as they meet the newcomers’ needs? Take a position of leadership. People talk about architecture being a collaborative profession, and it is, but the architect needs to lead the team. Be philosophically grounded, considerate, and morally and environmentally responsible, keep your standards high, and only compromise when it’s reasonable. You may save your clients the cost of your fee every time you make a good decision. It’s also important to educate people about what architects do. Architects are polymaths. You aren’t a jack of all trades and master of none; you have to try to master it all. You have to be knowledgeable about construction, structures, aesthetics, music, art, philosophy and literature. Studying will give you depth. What study recommendations do you have for architects who want to broaden their understanding of design and architectural history? I think one should never stop reading and being exposed to other disciplines and the humanities in general. The study of philosophy has become very important to me in that it underpins almost everything. Critical thinking is fundamental to success in any profession and, in my view, life itself. History is the best teacher. b House at Eagle Creek - Photo by Tim Brown Anderson, Julian & Hull, LLP Robert A. Anderson, Esq. Litigation . Arbitration . Contract Preparation HUD Disputes . Mediations . Seminars 40+ Years of Experience C.W. Moore Plaza .250 S. 5th St., Ste. 700 PO Box 7426.Boise, ID 83707 Tel: (208) 344-5800 .Fax: (208) 344-5510 23