Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

What Structural Engineers Want Architects to Know BY CHRIS HOFHEINS, BHB STRUCTURAL There is a famous African proverb that reads: “It takes a village to raise a child.” It also takes a village to design and construct a building. The goal for all project team members is to work together to deliver a successful building for our clients. Here are four items architects can do to help their structural engineer deliver a winning project. • Engage the structural engineer early • Communicate what is important to you and the client • Establish clear lines of communication • Develop a schedule that maximizes design time and minimizes design changes Engage the structural engineer early The best practice would be to consult with a structural engineer at project conception. When consulted from the beginning, your structural engineer can provide different building material options and cost-effective ways to structurally frame the building. Creating floor plans and building concepts prior to consulting with a structural engineer will limit the options a structural engineer can provide. Due to product lead times, many cost-effective solutions may no longer be an option for the project, which will increase project costs. Communicate what is important to you and the client Structural engineers want architects to be successful in delivering their vision to clients. Occasionally, a structural engineer’s nature to please is misguided when we do not understand what is most important to the architect, contractor, and owner. Take column placement as an example. Without additional input from the architect, the structural engineer will provide a column layout that is most efficient for the building structure. This efficiency may be in contradiction with the architect’s goals. Frequent communication and feedback to your structural engineer will enable them to provide structural options that meet your vision, are cost-effective, and builder-friendly. Establish clear lines of communication Structural engineers are problem solvers by nature. Communication comes fast and from all directions. Sometimes BHB Structural Engineers Project 24 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2022-23 |