Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

 — continued from page 31 People are brave to submit their work to scrutiny you get in a competition. The wide range of work generated great discussions about how people think about architecture now. Being a juror is like being in a design crucible. You focus intensely for one or two days in a room where you talk about architecture for hours, and then you meet the people who are competing and talk about architecture some more. The experience was very inspiring. Devin took the plunge first and worked on our first project. I joined him when we felt that we were established enough and were reasonably secure financially. What has your experience been like as a juror for AIA Idaho annual award competition? How have the project evaluations you did for the competition influenced you professionally? Before I was an architect, about 25 or 30 years ago, I lived in Ketchum for a year and a half. It was lovely and energizing to return there and meet with the Idaho design community from across the state. The region is different from the region I practice in, and I found a lot of outside inspiration. People are brave to submit their work to scrutiny you get in a competition. The wide range of work generated great discussions about how people think about architecture now. Being a juror is like being in a design crucible. You focus intensely for one or two days in a room where you talk about architecture for hours, and then you meet the people who are competing and talk about architecture some more. The experience was very inspiring. Which projects for the 2021 competition did you enjoy the most? Why? I do a lot of residential work, so Michael Doty Associates Shaw Mesa Family Retreat in Custer County was a familiar typology. I had a gut reaction to that house. It was so beautifully sited, and the home itself was an incredibly clear, bold gesture in response to the site’s stunning natural beauty. There were two other buildings I loved, one commercial and one public: • The EnergySeal headquarters in McCall by VY Architecture • Fire Station No. 8 in Boise by Cole Architects Both were really well-designed buildings that were useful and engaging spaces. People don’t often expect these types of buildings to be beautifully designed. Architecture is a way of improving our experience of daily life, and good, thoughtful architecture can elevate an experience no matter what the building is. In 2021, the World Population Review listed Idaho as the fastest-growing state in the U.S. Do you have any suggestions for Idaho’s architects as they meet the newcomers’ needs? Nature has a physical presence in Idaho that is remarkable and powerful. It’s important to support “smart growth.” This means making your cities denser, so they are vibrant and full of life. It also means protecting Idaho’s resources by approaching growth intentionally. There are many ways architects can participate in shaping growth beyond doing individual buildings – joining community boards or zoning commissions or getting involved in shaping policy. In addition to professional practice, your combined efforts will add up to intelligent growth. b 32 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2022-23 |