Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

We always want our buildings to have a conversation with the landscape,” said Faith. “For this project, we created the five little huts from kits that can be put together to create art studios. People can camp wherever they want on the land, which is hilly and bold, and each placement creates a different conversation. The buildings are very gestural, and they are almost like characters.” The Concept of Home Faith Rose of O’Neill Rose Architects spoke about the concept of home at the 2021 Idaho Design Awards ceremony on Sept. 24, 2021. She pointed out that for the last 20 months, COVID-19 has shaken up many people’s ideas of home. But even before that, changes in communities and societies were increasingly reflected in peoples’ homes. As part of Faith’s presentation, she highlighted three examples of change that O’Neill Rose Architects has explored: • Multigenerational houses • Aging-in-place houses • Live-and-work environments The Projects A Multigeneration House Queens, New York, one of New York’s five boroughs, is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse urban areas. It is a patchwork of unique neighborhoods, each with its own identity. However, the borough’s housing stock consists primarily of single-family homes built in the 1950s, when architects designed homes for the American nuclear family. A client at O’Neill Rose Architects asked for a multigenerational home to accommodate three generations and three distinct groups in one home. 1. The client, his wife and their two small children 2. His younger brother and his sister-in-law 3. The mother of the client and his younger brother Each group needed to have its own space. Also, the home had to comply with code and zoning requirements that, among other things, had been written to force the construction of pitched roofs. Faith said, “We asked ourselves, ‘How do we create a home that honors the communal living conditions of their old country, but also recognizes the younger generation will want the more American values of privacy and space?’  — continued on page 34 BY FAITH ROSE, AIA IDAHO JUROR 33